Wednesday, September 24, 2008

An oddly friendly yet gothic writing style example

Arkenlight Dynasty A Family of Tragic Proportions.
Oh... you've found our little corner of the universe... how delightful....... :: the voice is both chipper and childish. In a flash of blond and pastel she is now standing beside you, tugging on your arm like a child wanting to show off a new and favorite toy:: Come on, come on...don't just stand there looking like......ummm....some old fuddy-duddy. Grab a, not like that...Sit down...but please do be careful of my books.. :: everywhere around you are piles and piles of books, the shelves full to the max, the only clear space being the large writing desk that just so happens to have two chairs.
Fearing for the lose of your arm in her exuberance, you seat yourself comfortably as she skips to hers, delicately lands in it and smiles at you vaguely while batting her eyelashs owlishly::
My name is Tala. And you are? No, that's not really important...well I mean it is buuuut if we sat around telling names we'd be here for....centuries...and there's too much to tell...and I'm babbling aren't I? In any event......from here until you tire of listening to me, I will be your guide....niffty, huh? So, if you tell me which of us you wish to learn about, I will dispense what I have gathered over the......ummmm...I let's just say....the really long time I've lived, kay?Of course I suppose you cooould just hear the short version ...well... shorter... kind of... :::blinking owlishly once more at you with that same blank sort of look::::
DarkHeart Arkenlight a.k.a. The Moron
::: a small grimace crosses her face as she blinks at you silently for a few moments::
The Moron??? Are you positive...I mean there's more interesting things to talk about than him...I mean...come on....::with a small resigned sigh she begins::
Fine....fine...Dark is the only one of us to have denied his nature. He spent most of his life in service to Talon and never really had the chance to grow and learn as he should have....why work for Talon you ask? Well it's simple really....Talon had hired him to eliminate someone for him....and dear sweet Talon had set Dark up to fall and fall hard...only to save his life at the last minute and use Dark's sense of honor to extract a life-debt from him. So Dark spent his time killing those that stood in Talon's way.... ::she half-shrugs:: wasn't until Talon decided to try to eliminate Night that Dark was freed from this debt....a nice enough bard by the name of Sun stepped in and freed him.....Dark and her kind of had a didn't go anywhere...but it wasn't meant to be...he didn't understand her nature and he wouldn't accept his.
He eventually settled down with a woman by the name of Jemina. Together they had four little children of . He was going to retire from the buisness of killing for cash...and take up a job as Minister of Defence. All that changed about a few years ago...he left home for a short time only to return to a house filled with the dead bodies of wife and children...he picked back up his blades and garotte and took off like a bat from hell with the devil on it's tail in search of those that took from him. And at that point finally accepted what and who he is
::she sighs slightly::
Sure he's a moron and all, but I'd never wish that on him, ya' know? He's my baby brother and I love him...however give him a wiiiiiide berth, unless you really like being choked and all.
Recently, though, with many thanks to that brilliant niece of mine, DayStar, he rejoined the world of the living. You see she sort of...badgered him back to the here and now. Anywaaaaay, Nickodemus Bedlam and Stalker helped him track down the fiends responisble for the whole sale slaughter of his family, and he like met a girl and they're like dating or something? :::hopeful grin with a vacant blink:::
Salinith Arkenlight
Oh! You mean Mr. Morose???? That's not quite fair I suppose...caaause he has good cause for most of it...buuuuut... most people still want to shake the teeth out of him. Annnnywho.... he's the eldest, not that he acts it or anything... and he's got a looooooooooong history... most of which is fairly depressing.
Basically... Sal's been in and out of supposed love more often than a bunch of kittens in a creamery...Funny though...always seemed the wrong sort for him. I mean... Sal is sweet... weepy and emotional, but sweet... yet it's like...I dunno...all the bitches and cold-hearted wretches of femaledom sought him out to screw over... weird huh? Annnnywho.... he used to be a really good bard...but...well...he got a bit melancholy when the last of the coldhearted bitches just walked away from him..and so Night kinda...well... squished him??? At least as far as powers go..and I kinda was baby-sitting him for a bit in my tower... luckily he was really quiet... Morose people tend to be though huh? Especially when gagged..
He's better now though.... and he's kinda given up on the bard thing... but he paints really pretty pictures now... but he has this strange objection to doing bunny rabbits and butterflies... which is really sad, cause the hopping and fluttering is so fascinating and fun and... Oh..there I go again.
Annnyway.... like I said, he's better now...running with a bit of a different crowd... Oh, he still gets morose... and probably always will I suppose... Maybe Night is right saying that..." Chicks dig the sad guy."
Oh!!!! He's got a bunch of nicknames now too... I mean besides Mr. Morose and Goomba... He's also a PFB... buuuut... I honestly don't think calling him that would be healthy... Weeeeeeel, he's not a PFB anymore, you see he met a girl, a Bedlam girl. Her name is Ariel, and one thing let to another, and now they're life-bonded and living happily together...heck they even had a son, his name is Ashlyn and he's certainly interesting.
In Walks The Night..
Here we have Night... Umm.... He's... well.... and the girls, and the chasing and the.... and umm...:::a vague, sweet look falls across her face as she blinks owlishly at if there wasn't a single coherent thought in her head.
A soft clearing of a throat causes her to start, even as you both look to the source of the noise, finding a tall, dark haired woman leaning against the door, arms crossed and a grin on her face::: Tala dear.... why don't you let ME explain Night... as I usually can manage to do so without turning burgandy...::turning to you, the woman continues to grin:::
Forgive the interruption, but she really doesn't handle explaining Night well... Me..? :::half snorting chuckle, those dark eyes dancing::: Just someone that knows Nightwind Arkenlight fairly darn well... Now then... :::taking a deep breath::: He's the charmer of the family in a sense.
Self-admitted philanderer, and womanizer. If it wears a skirt Night deals with it with a wicked delight.
:::cocks her head thoughtfully for a moment:::: And he's a pretty nice kisser too... :::shrugs:::: Though I suppose that's neither here nor there is it?? Eh... :::looks over at Tala and winks with a grin::: I think going into any more real detail on Night might be a bad idea... sufficent to say, he's a force unto himself more often then not and trouble all the time... A lover of wine...or rather martinis... women....Virgins for some silly reason...myself being I suppose the exception to That... and song... :::rolling her eyes a bit and turning to go, with a wave of her hand:::I think I'll just stop before I start this family as a whole off on some sort of disaster... and leave Tala to finish up on things... Nice talking with you dears... :::Stops in the doorway and looks back:::: Oh... silly me... I almost forgot... for all his past philandering... he's mine, so hands off! His past doesn't dictate his present now... and our children probably would take some sort of umbrage (if you don't know what that word means ask Tala) to anyone other then family saying dirt on him. ::::with a light wave of her hand she departs, leaving you once more with an owlishly blinking, and slightly blushing Tala:::
Razor Arkenlight
::a vague, blank, sweet look meets this inquiry:::Razor...?? Oooo.... creepy... very creepy.... doesn't talk much... grunts though...:::blinks several times::: and well...kills things...he's not nice actually. He's... kinda... well.... and... :::sighs a small almost exasperated sigh:::: I suppoooooose the kindest sort of thing that I can say is that he's... well... hard to communicate with? :::bright but vague smile::::I mean...I've tried to keep some sort of tabs on him...buuuuut.... like I said..he grunts... :::blinking:::: Grunts are kind of hard to spell... and I try not to misquote people...especially family... makes things so messy and noisy.... and then I end up having to go back and correct the spelling...and it never looks just right and ... ::pauses to take a deep breath, and blinks again in that irritating vague way::: and I was babbling again wasn't I?
What was I saying..?? Oh..yes.. Razor... there isn't much... except that..well... just don't go there okay?:::offering another one of those vague sweet smiles::::
Tala Arkenlight
::her tone going absent, almost like she's not there and was only watching::It was years ago, too many to count... I left home...having learned all I could from my parents and having grown to the point that the powers fully mature and my soul reaches the level that sends us all out into the world.
I thought I would go look up Night, he was always the nicest to me... That and he knew the area very well, and I needed his help in placing my anyway...I followed his trail of angry fathers, broken hearts and broken, as he'd say, cherries. Each time I mentioned his name, I could see the rage and various other emotions build, but I didn't think anything of it, really...maybe I was too naive to just go looking on my own, maybe I should've just done it some other way....buuuuut the child in me wanted to see things....and people....It wasn't a very large village by most standards, but it was the largest I had seen. I asked a few tavern goers if they had seen a man matching Night's description....they directed me to where the elders met...Anyway, I made my way over there, ignoring the leers and cat calls, as just mortal nature. I knocked on the door and was greeted by a nice older man, I'd say he was a butler of some sorts...when I inquired about Night he took me to the room where the elders had gathered...I should've been scared when the door locked behind me as it was an inward locking door, but the need to find Night kind of overruled all else...
They were dressed in the finest clothing I had seen since my arrival, and they smiled at me...they seemed nice enough. They were, I'd guess...middle-aged...I described Night and asked if they'd seen him....they said they had and inquired why I sought him...I guess they thought I had fallen prey to him...
::her face pale, almost doll like in its stillness, the only disturbance is when she speaks::
I told them that I was his sister. They asked, no demanded, "Older or Younger?" I didn't think too much of this and just answered truthfully. They smiled again and leaned in closer...I didn't dare intrude into their conversation, I mean what if it was something important about their village, that and I really didn't enjoy eavesdropping. They chatted then nodded in unison, then turned to me. I asked them if they knew where my brother was and they said yes but first they wanted to ask me something...
I thought, what harm is there in a I waited around. They stood up and invited me to the table for something to drink for the long journey I'd have ahead of me...well, they had been nice to me so far so I had a seat at the table and had a glass of wine...they just smiled at me, one of those unreadable smiles.. They made idle chitchat and told me a bit about the surrounding area and what troubles they've been having with bandits in the forest....and the usual lines..."A pretty thing like you could get hurt out there alone, are you sure you don't want an escort?"
I declined their offers...I was so caught up in the information that I didn't notice or feel the hand in my hair till my head had hit the table....Needless to say I was dazed, as I still didn't have full grasp of my powers, nor truly know I could send for help from my brothers. There were 5 of them, four equals and one "leader" to break the tie in a vote...well to make a long story short as details I'm not going into....all five of them, as Night would say, took a ride on the Arkenlight express....but instead they just well... stole the damn train. :::a single, crystalline tear finally falls, though there is still little expression to her face::::It was two hours at least....till Night felt it......and know what? :::weak laugh through her tears:: He killed every single one of them....then their familes...and if they had sisters he went off and took their lives. I told him not to, that it won't change things, but he's really stubborn sometimes...I think he did it more for himself, though..... and he still blames himself for what happened...:::blinks rapidly for a long moment, and seems to give herself a shake, before smiling brainlessly once more at you:::My life has changed a lot since then, I met a man, a wicked nasty grumpy man, but he's a real sweety. He helped my get myself back together...and :: bouncing in her seat:: Guess what???? Give up yet??? We're life-bonded and have two beautiful daughters Karma and Kismet. But enough about me...
Scythe Arkenlight
:::regarding you with a strange look for a long moment... absently chewing on the stray ends of her hair::::Scythe... Mmmm.... well...if I left the description of her up to brothers... I'd never be able to repeat it...:::actually giving a slight giggle:::: So maybe I should try to do this huh? Of all of us... as I think got mentioned in the overview...but you didn't read that...or did you..? :::blinking blankly at you for a long moment::: Not that it matters... I mean... it does buuut... it doesn't. Aaaaanyway.... Scythe... she's umm... well kinda like me...but... not as pretty? :::batting her eyes at you whimsically for a moment, before bab...err...plunging on:::She's into the learning and knowledge thing too...just... well... darker... :::fidgets with her fingers for a moment:::: Night would call it...kinky? But Nights..well... the girls and the chasing...and...and I'm doing it again aren't I?:::sighs a bit:::: I try not to...buuut.... it's like...well... like the story of the man that used to...::stops and blinks:::: Oh...wait... wrong story huh? Annnnyway.... picture a dark room....and then add in a few candles...but then it wouldn't really be dark, would it?? Okay scratch the dark comment...and let's say a not so well lit room. Add in a few...errrrrrr....nasty sort of things....the kind of things that like the guy with the mask and the hot pokers would thumbscrews...and all those sorts of thingy-ma-jobbers. the picture? Goody! Add in a few screams or rather howls of shear pain...then throw in a long,soft, dark and definitely feminine laugh...and you have my sister. And yes she's the one laughing.
She's twisted...but she is my I guess that makes her my...twisted sister???
::she falls into a fit of delicate giggles at her little pun:: Get it??? Twisted Sister???? Sal would call her gothy...very veeeery gothy.....Buuuuuuut, recently she sort of...ummm....errrrr...."got her act together", ::delicate giggle:: You see I sort of nudged her in the direction of a man named Bedlam....THE Bedlam, to make a long story short. They're in love, got married and now have a daughter by the name of Tatiana, a nice child, definatly dark, but nice though.

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