Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Psychogenic Inventory

A psychogenic inventory is the general guideline, an evolving method, individual to each psychiatric professional, which is the basis for psychological analysis. The following 312 question inventory was implemented in the 50's by psychoanalyst Benjamin Karpman who studied criminal sexual psychopaths at St. Elizabeth Hospital in Washington D.C.

...and is a general overview of the actual Inventory and does not include, for example, certain questions specific, unique and structured for each individual case.
Family History (1-7)
1. Describe each of your paternal grandparents. If they are dead and you have no memory of them or had no childhood association with them, tell whatever you have heard about them from others. If possible, state the age at which each died, the age you were at the time of their deaths, and the cause of death in each case.

2. Describe each of your maternal grandparents. If they are dead and you have no memory of them or had no childhood association with them, tell whatever you have heard about them from others. If possible, state the age at which each died, the age you were at the time of their deaths, and the cause of death in each case.

3. Describe your father. Tell something about his characteristics, personality, habits; his attitude toward you and your attitude toward him, taking this through various stages of your development; also his attitude toward other children in the family (if there are other children), through various periods of his life. If he is dead, state his age at the time of death and the cause of his death. Describe in detail the reaction of the family to his death and the effect his death had on the subsequent fortunes of the family. If he is living, but suffers from any particular disease, handicap, or chronic ailment, give some account of this. In the event that you have a stepfather, describe him to the same extent that you have been asked to describe your father, stating the age at which he became your stepfather, and the circumstances under which your mother remarried.

4. Describe you mother. Tell something about her characteristics, personality, habits; her attitude toward you and your attitude toward her, taking this through various stages of your development; also her attitude toward other children in the family (if there are other children), through various periods of her life. If she is dead, state her age at the time of death and the cause of her death. Describe in detail the reaction of the family to her death and the effect her death had on the subsequent fortunes of the family. If she is living, but suffers from a particular disease, handicap, or chronic ailment, give some account of this. In the event that you have a stepmother, describe her to the same extent that you have been asked to describe your mother, stating the age at which she became your stepmother, and the circumstances under which your father remarried.

5. Describe: (a) any paternal and/or maternal uncles and aunts who have lived in or visited your home and who played any appreciable part in your life, or in the life of your family, in the same manner as you have described each of your parents, (b) any other relatives -- cousins, nephews, nieces, in laws, etc.

6. Describe each of your siblings, in the order of their birth, stating in each case how much older or how much younger they are than yourself. Include any brother or sister that has died, stating in each instance your age at the time of their death as well as the age he or she died and the cause of death. In the event that you have half-brothers, half-sisters, stepbrothers or stepsisters, describe them also, stating your age at the time of your first association with them.

7. Do know whether any member of your family, or any near relative, suffered from heart disease, tuberculosis, cancer, epilepsy, or from any kind of physical or mental disturbance? Was any member of your family, or any near relative, ever confined to a mental hospital, either private or public? If so, tell whatever you know concerning the reason for such confinement. Did any member of your family, or near relative, commit suicide? If so, tell whatever you know about this. Did any member of your family, or near relative, ever serve a prison sentence? If so, tell whatever you know about the circumstances. Has any member of your family ever been charged with, or committed a murder?
Family Situation (8-10)
8. Give a full and detailed account of your home life, the general atmosphere which prevailed in the family circle, including the following:

(a) Your parents' attitude toward each other;
(b) Your parents' attitude toward the children; any special favoritism or its opposite shown toward any of the children;
(c) The economic circumstances, the influence of money or the effects of lack of money;
(d) Your parents' attitude toward religion, and its effects on the children;
(e) The relations which existed among the children;
(f) The family activities, amusements, cultural interests, etc.;
(g) The effects of alcohol, gambling, social climbing, or any other unusual factor which influenced the family life.

9. As a child, did you have a distinct fondness for one parent over the other; or were you equally fond of both of them? If you had a decided preference for one, which one and why?

10. As a child, did you have a decided preference or dislike for any one of your siblings? If so, for which one, and why? Did this preference or dislike subsequently undergo a change or modification, or did it persist into adulthood?
Personal History (11-50)
A. Birth and Infancy

11. What have you been told, if anything, about your birth? Do you know whether it was normal, easy, difficult, instrumental, premature, Caesarean, etc.?

12. What have you been told, if anything, about your nursing period in infancy? Do you know whether you were breast-fed or bottle-fed or both? If both, do you know when you were switched from breast to bottle? Have you been told anything about the weaning period? Do you know at what age you were weaned, and whether you were weaned easily or with difficulty? Have you been told anything about any other aspects of your infancy, e.g., whether you were a generally contented or an irritable infant, a cry-baby, or anything about any other personality traits, characteristics, etc., which you exhibited as an infant?

B. Early Childhood

13. Can you remember anything about, or can you recall anything that you have been told about, the period of toilet training? Can you remember any thoughts or feelings about, or reactions to, urine, feces, or toilet functions? Have you any childhood memories associated with the bathroom?

14. Do you know whether you have suffered from enuresis ( bed-wetting )? If you did, have you been told anything about this difficulty, e.g., the measures taken to combat it; how long it lasted, etc.? If you have any conscious memory of this, tell as much about it as you remember. If bed-wetting was a problem which persisted to a comparatively late period -- pre-puberty, puberty, adolescence, etc. -- give a full and complete account of this, and state the precise age at which it ceased to become a problem.

15. Did you have during any particular period of childhood any manifestations of nervousness, e.g., nail-biting; any peculiar mannerisms, etc.? If so, at what age did these occur and how long did they last?

16. Do you know, or have you been told, whether or not you sucked your thumb as a child? If so, how long did you persist in this habit? Were there any thumb substitutes that you know of or have been told about?

17. Did you as a child have any particular difficulties in connection with eating? Did you have to be urged to eat? Did you have a tendency to overeat? Tell whatever you can remember, or whatever you have been told, about this, and state the age represented by the period in question.

18. What can you remember, or what have you been told, about your disposition as a child? Did you have temper tantrums? Did you sulk? Did you have fits of obstinacy? Tell anything and everything that you can remember, or that you have been told, about you childhood disposition.

19. What were the sleeping arrangements that existed in your home when you were a child? Did you sleep in the same bed with your parents, or with either of them, and if so, for how long? For how long did you sleep in the same room with one or both of them? Did you sleep in the same bed with any of your siblings, and if so, for how long? For how long did you sleep in the same room with any of them? Describe any other sleeping arrangements not covered by the preceding questions.

20. What was the general state of your health as a child? What childhood diseases did you have? Did you have any serious illnesses in childhood? If so, give an account of it. did you have any serious accidents as a child? If so, describe. How did you react to various sicknesses? Did you enjoy the attention given to you on such occasions; or did you have an indifferent or even painful reaction? Did you suffer any disabilities as a result of sickness?

21. Did you at any time during childhood develop the habit of "running away"? If so, where would you go and for how long would you be gone? What age is represented by this period? Have you any memory of the reasons which you thought you had for this behavior?

22. As a child were you bashful or bold; timid or fearless? Were you seclusive, or did you make friends easily? Tell as much as you can about how you reacted in the presence of others.

23. Can you remember any outstanding childhood fears? If so, describe them, and state your age at the time you had them. Do you know of any particular experiences which caused them, or was their development independent of any external circumstances that you can remember?

24. Did you have any terrifying dreams or nightmares as a child? Of so, can you remember the general nature of these, or can you remember them in any detail? At what age did they occur? How did you react to them? Were you comforted or reassured afterwards by either of your parents, or by any other person? If so, give some account of the manner in which you received such comfort or assurance.

25. Were you troubled at any time during childhood or youth with insomnia ( inability to
sleep )? Did you ever walk or talk in your sleep? If so, give a full account of these sleep disturbances -- year of origin, frequency, duration, etc. Did you ever get into any difficulty on account of that? Can you recall any special circumstance which started you on sleepwalking?

26. As a child, were there any particular things which you particularly liked or disliked to do; any places where you particularly liked or disliked to go; any substances which you particularly liked or disliked to touch or handle? Give a full account of these as you can, and state the age at which these likes and dislikes were most noticeable. Did any of them persist into adulthood? If so, which ones and to what extent?

27. As a child, were there any particular stories, fairy tales, etc., which were told to you or read to you that you were especially fond of? Were there any stories which particularly frightened you? Were there any particular pictures which especially fascinated you? If so, give an account of these and of your reactions to them, and state your age in each instance.

28. What do you consider to be your most outstanding childhood memory; one that has most often recurred to you in adult life? With what age is this memory associated?

29. Did you at any time in childhood have any speech difficulty, e.g., stammering, stuttering, etc.? If so, tell something about this, and indicate at what age it developed. How long did it last? Were there any time or circumstances during adult life when this difficulty reappeared temporarily? If so, describe.

30. Can you remember as a child, feigning sickness in order to secure attention? If so, whose attention? Tell something about this and state the age represented by the period in question.

31. Can you remember, as a child, being especially jealous of anyone else? If so, of whom, and why? What age is represented by this period? Did such jealousy persist to any degree into adulthood?

32. Were you ever punished physically as a child? If so, by whom, and in exactly what manner? ( Note: Don't say were you whipped. Describe the exacted procedure from beginning to end. ) How did you react to such punishment? Does any specific occasion of such punishment stand out in your memory? If so, describe it in detail. What was your age at the time such punishment stopped?

C. Education

33. At what age did you begin school? If it was later than the usual age, explain the reason for this. If it was earlier than the usual age, how did you feel in the presence of children older than yourself and how did you feel in the company of children younger than yourself? What kind of school was it -- public, private, parochial, etc.? Can you remember you first day at school? Tell as much about it -- your reactions, feelings, etc. -- as you can recall.

34. Did you finish grade school? If not, exactly how far did you go? If you did not finish grade school, what was the reason for this? Give some account of your life in grade school -- your relations with other pupils; with teachers; which studies you liked or disliked; which studies were easy or difficult, etc. Describe your relations with other children outside of school. Did your relations at home change as a result of going to school?

35. If you went to high school, did you graduate? If not, how far did you go and why did you leave? Tell something about your life in high school -- relations with other students, with teachers, your attitude toward your studies, etc.

36. If you went to college, did you graduate? If not, how far did you go and why did you leave? Was the college you attended near to or far from your home? Where did you live while you were attending college? Give a fairly detailed account of your college life, from both an educational and a social standpoint. Did you have very much social life while going to college?

37. If there were any other aspects of your education not covered by the questions which you have already answered, e.g., night school, post graduate work, extension courses, etc., give some account of these, stating your age at the time you were engaged in them.

D. Occupational History

38. How did you obtain the first money that you earned? Did you engage in any sort of work while you were going to school, e.g., paper route, vacation jobs, part-time jobs, etc.?

39. When did you begin full-time employment? Give a chronological account of all types of work you have done, stating your age in connection with each of them, the length of the time you held each jon or position, reasons for leaving, etc.

40. What was the longest period you ever held a job? What was the shortest period? Have you ever been discharged from any jobs, and if so, from how many? Why were you discharged? How many jobs did you quit? Why did you quit them?

41. To what extent has illness, alcoholism, a quarrelsome disposition, sensitiveness to criticism, or some other factor, interfered with your occupational adjustment?

42. Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with your occupational record? In either case, why?

E. Military History

43. Have you seen any kind of military service? If so, give a detailed account of it, stating the date of induction, date of discharge, type of service, the locations involved, etc.

44. If military service was attended with any particular difficulty, or if you were dishonorably discharged for any reason, give a complete account of this.

45. If you were wounded, or suffered any lasting effects or any handicap as a result of military service, describe these facts in some detail.

F. Habits

46. Do you use alcohol, and if so to what extent? Has it interfered with your occupational adjustment? Have you ever been arrested for drunkenness? Have you ever been hospitalized for alcoholism? Have you ever had delirium tremens or any other kind of alcoholic hallucination?

47. Have you ever used any drugs? If so, state which ones you have used and to what extent. Has your occupational adjustment suffered as a result of that? Have you ever been hospitalized for drug addiction, or otherwise suffered any ill effects from the use of drugs? If so, give a full account of this.

48. Do you gamble, and if so in what manner and to what extent? Has gambling affected your career in any appreciable degree? If so, give a detailed account of this. What is your attitude toward gambling? Can you take it or leave it, or are you an inveterate gambler?

49. Are there any particular recreational pursuits which you carry to excess? If so, what are they and how have they affected you?

50. Do you use tobacco, and if so to what extent? If you smoke, how many cigarettes a day do you smoke? Do you chew tobacco? Do you chew gum, and if so to what extent? Do you take snuff? Do you smoke marijuana, and if so to what extent? Is there anything else which you consume to an unusual extent, which has not been mentioned in the preceding questions? If so, give details.

Personality Make-Up: General Features (51-79)
51. Are you of a generally sociable disposition, or are you seclusive and solitary? Give some account of your reaction to other people or of any difficulties you may have in your relations with others.

52. Are you easily angered? Do you express anger openly, or do you "bottle it up" and cherish silent resentment? So you cool off fast or slowly? have you done any impulsive things under the stress of anger which you afterwards regretted? Are you of a forgiving disposition, or do you carry grudges, remember injuries?

53. Are you disposed to be jealous? If so, of whom are you, or have you been, jealous? How did your jealousy affect your feelings or behavior?

54. Is there anyone toward whom you feel, or have felt, definite hatred? If so, toward whom and why?

55. Have you at any time suffered from conscious feelings of inferiority? Do you suffer from such feelings at the present time? Are these feelings of inferiority restricted to a particular field, e.g., athletics, mechanical efficiency, intellectual ability, social life, etc.; or are they general in character, relating to your total personality? Can you relate this feeling of inferiority to any actual existing inferiority in you; can you associate it with any special situations in your life?

56. Are you subject to mood swings? Do you have spells of depression alternating with periods of elation -- "on top of the world" at one time, and "down in the dumps" at another? Or are you of a generally even disposition, with no marked or exaggerated changes of mood?

57. Are you given to day-dreaming? If so, what is the nature of such day-dreams? Are they ambitious, egoistic, or erotic in character; or are they all of these? If you have any day-dreams in which you indulge in frequently, describe them in some detail. At what age did you first have them? How do they affect your daily behavior?

58. As a child, did you indulge in any acts of cruelty? Did you torment animals, insects, or other children? If so, give an account of such behavior, stating the age at which it occurred. Do you engage in any cruel behavior at the present time, either physical or mental? Do you enjoy belittling others or hurting their feelings? Are you given to cynicism, sarcasm or mockery? Do you "bully" other people? Are you threatening or belligerent?

59. Do have periods of self-pity, when you "enjoy being miserable" and exaggerate your misfortunes? What occasions such periods? Do they have some basis in fact; are they predicated on some actual circumstances; or are they entirely self-created?

60. Are you of a more than ordinary suspicious nature? Do you continually suspect others of ulterior motives? Are you always looking for someone "to do you dirt"? Do have a tendency to blame others for your troubles? Do you think that you have enemies? Are there any persons who, you think, really have a desire to injure you in any way? If so, who are they and why do you think they want to injure you?

61. How much adaptability do you have? Can you accustom yourself easily and rapidly to changing situations, environments, etc.; or does it take you considerable time to do this? Are you "set in your ways"; do you have to do the same things at the same time in the same manner? So changes in your customary routine upset you?

62. Are you systematic or unsystematic on the way you do things? Do you think that your activity is well-directed? If so, why; if not, why not? So you have a tendency to become absent-minded or preoccupied?

63. Do you exhibit good foresight. Do you plan well? Do you spend money wisely? Can you satisfactorily plan a trip? Can you go shopping, secure everything you intended to buy, and not forget anything? Can you keep all of your necessary belongings with you; or do you leave things behind, forget things, lose things, etc.? If you have a tendency to forget or lose things, are they invariably the same things, or the same sort of things? If so, what are they?

64. Have you any outstanding fears? Are there any specific things or situations if which you are particularly afraid? Are there any situations which you worry about unnecessarily? Are you inclined to "borrow trouble" or "cross bridges before you get to them"?

65. Do you feel that the extent of your education corresponds to the educational opportunities which you have had. If not, how do you explain the discrepancy?

66. Do you consider yourself alert? What do you mean by "alert"?

67. Do you consider yourself to be a good observer? Can you report correctly what you have observed? Are your powers of observation better in some fields than in others? If so, in what fields are they good, and in what fields are they deficient?

68. Do you consider yourself as being capable of learning from experience? If so, what can you offer to substantiate your opinion in this respect?

69. How broad are your interests? How restricted are they? Why do you consider them to be either broad or restricted? Do you maintain your interest in those things in which you are interested; or do you soon cease to become interested in one thing, and transfer your interest to another? Give some examples to illustrate your answer to this question.

70. Do you consider that you posses good common-sense judgment? Why do you think so? Are you deliberate, hasty, firm, or hesitating in forming judgments, or in coming to conclusions? Do others seek your advice or judgment? Do you think that you display consistency between your judgements and your acts; or are you one of those "don't-do-as-I-do, but-do-as-I-say" people?

71. Do you work better with someone else or alone? Does the presence of any sort of competition help or hinder in your working?

72. How well do you manage others? What experience have you had in managing or controlling others?

73. Do you have good muscular coordination? If you have observed any difficulty in this respect, what is it? Are you handy with tools? What opportunity have you had to learn the use of tools?

74. Do you consider yourself to be matter-of-fact? Do you consider things as they are, or do you tend to visualize them as you wish them to be? Do you think that you are clear of purpose or vague? Would you describe yourself as visionary?

75. Are you inventive? Artistic? Do you use either of these interests constructively? If so, how? If not, how do you use them?

76. Do you regard yourself as possessing a good sense of responsibility? If so, what can you offer to substantiate your opinion in this respect?

77. Do you consider that you have a good sense of right and wrong? Do you regard yourself as honest? If you think that you are in any way dishonest, precisely what form does your dishonesty take? Do you regard yourself as truthful? If not, in what way do you think that you are not? Do you give deceitful or plausible explanations for things in lieu of the exact truth? Do you lie to gain a well-defined purpose? Do you lie from an excess of imagination? Do you lie to keep yourself out of trouble? Do you lie in order to cause others trouble?

78. Are you superstitious? If so, tell something about the nature of your superstitions.

79. Do you think that you are easily led by others? If so, give some examples to illustrate this.
Personality Make-Up: Special Features (80-188)
A. Memory

80. What is your opinion of your memory? Do you consider it good, bad, or indifferent? Is it good for some things and bad for others? If so, for what things is it good and for what things is it bad? Is it better for recent events or for past events; or do you consider it equally good for both?

81. Is your memory better for things seen or for things heard; in other words, is it primarily visual or auditory? Can you remember clearly events which you have witnessed; scenes in plays or pictures, etc.? Can you remember anecdotes; addresses; telephone numbers; popular songs; poetry, etc.?

82. How much effort do you make to remember things; or isn't it necessary to make any?

83. Is your memory capricious? Can you remember what you want to, and "forget" what you don't want to remember?

84. Have you at any time made any particular attempt to improve you memory, e.g., taken a "memory course," etc.? What success did you have?

B. Peculiarities of Appetite

85. Do you have a tendency to over-eat?

86. Are you restrictive in what you eat? If so, is your choice governed by appearance or by taste?

87. Do you crave any particular types of food. e.g., bitter, sweet, sour, chalky, etc.?

88. Are you sensitive to, or disgusted by, any ordinary articles of diet. e.g., milk, butter, eggs, sea foods, etc.?

89. Have you any peculiar preferences in the matter of beverages, e.g., tea, coffee, soft drinks, alcoholic drinks, etc.?

C. Reactions to External Factors

90. Have you any attraction for special odors; or are you repelled by any special odors, e.g., body odors; perfumes; cooking odors, etc.?

91. What is your reaction to the sight of blood? Have you a tendency to become uncomfortable, faint, etc., at any other unpleasant sights? If so, what sights?

92. Do you display an intolerance for noise generally? Of any special noises, e.g., thunder; noise of sipping; dripping water; creaking stairs or furniture, etc.?

D. Insecurity

93. When do you first remember experiencing insecurity? Describe a later specific situation in which you experienced insecurity.

94. What, in your opinion, are the connection, differences, similarities between:

(a) anxiety and insecurity
(b) inferiority and insecurity
(c) inadequacy and insecurity
(d) guilt and insecurity
(e) fear and insecurity

What other emotions have you experienced along with insecurity?

95. What part of insecurity is played in your:

(a) choice of career
(b) choice of a mate
(c) social activities
(d) family relationships

96. What do you consider to be the relation, in light of your own experience, between ambition and insecurity?

97. When have you felt more secure? Describe the situations and circumstances which you think were responsible for such a feeling of security.

98. Give you own definition and description of:

(a) emotional (affective) insecurity
(b) social insecurity
(c) economic insecurity
(d) physical insecurity

And state which one of these you believe to be the most destructive and why.

99. What persons or type of persons contribute most to your security or to your insecurity?

100. How have you adjusted yourself to, or managed to overcome, feelings of insecurity? To what extent where your efforts successful?

101. What circumstances do you believe contribute most to security or to insecurity?

102. Do you think there is any relation between security and prejudice? If so, what do you consider that relation to be?

103. Do you think that mass insecurity plays a part in world events? If so, discuss your ideas of the influence which mass insecurity has on world conditions, developments, etc.

104. Do you feel at a disadvantage as compared with others; or in regard to your responsibilities? Would you say that this amounted to a strong feeling of insecurity? Of not, how would you describe it? What is your reaction to this feeling? Does it cause you to become dependent, trustful, hesitating, evasive, on your guard, timid, or shy?

105. Do you consider yourself unusually self-reliant? If so, why; if not, why not? Are you dependent upon others for your decisions? How do you react to the favorable ot unfavorable opinions of others?

106. Are you inclined to blame others for your own shortcomings? Are you easily flattered? Are you inclined to seek sympathy? Are you inclined to pity yourself?

107. Do you display noticeable deference to others socially, or are you egocentric? In social relations, do you show a preference for those of a different age or social level? Discuss.

108. Would you describe yourself as amiable, friendly, or hailfellow? Have you a tendency to hold others at a distance? Do you think that you could be described as quarrelsome?

109. Do you prefer to be alone, or is it hard for you to be alone? In either case, discuss this situation.

110. How well do endure discomfort or pain? Do you think that you pay too much attention to small ailments? Do you worry unnecessarily about your health? Are you inclined to take a good deal of medicine, and if so, do you think that you take it when it isn't necessary? Do you think that anyone could justifiably accuse you of being a hypochondriac?

E. Aggression

111. What do you mean by "aggression"? Are aggressiveness and aggression the same thing? If not, how do they differ? Do you think of yourself as being aggressive, or shy and nonaggressive?

112. In what situations are you more likely to be aggressive? In what situations are you likely to be nonaggressive?

113. Describe a situation in which you used aggression. What other emotions did you experience before, during, and after the aggression?

114. Do you prefer aggressive or nonaggressive people?

115. How do you react to aggressiveness in other people?

116. Do you feel angry and aggressive at the same time? Which comes first?

117. Toward what type of person are you most likely to be aggressive?

118. Have you ever observed aggressiveness in children? Describe.

119. In your experience, has aggression been coupled with fear?

120. Have you felt like being aggressive but suppressed the impulse? What happened then? What emotions were experienced? Was the aggression completely suppressed or did it come out later, or in another direction, with a different object?

121. Have you ever let out aggression on an inanimate object or on an animal? With what emotional result? How did you feel about it later?

122. Have you experienced insecurity and aggression together? Which came first? What was the result?

123. What is the relation between aggression and hostility? Do they always, never, or sometimes go together?

124. In what different ways have you shown aggression?

125. What do you consider to be the purpose of aggression?

F. Guilt

126. Describe a situation in which you felt guilty. Why did you feel guilty? When did you begin to feel guilty? What other emotions were experienced at the same time?

127. What was the first time you remember feeling guilty? Remember as far back as you can, and describe the situation and your guilt feelings.

128. In what type of situation are you most likely to feel guilty? (Social, professional, family, etc.)

129. In what kind of situations do you feel the most intense guilt?

130. Have you ever felt guilty when you really had done nothing wrong? Can you distinguish between this sort of guilt and the type you feel when you have done something wrong?

131. Have you ever felt guilty and afraid of being caught at the same time? Have you been afraid of being caught without feeling guilty? What are the differences and similarities between the two?

132. What is the difference between guilt and shame? Can one feel ashamed without feeling guilty? Guilty without feeling ashamed?

133. What is the relationship between guilt and insecurity? Does guilt always involve insecurity; insecurity always involve guilt? Which comes first, and which is more intense?

134. What is the relationship between inferiority and guilt? How does one contribute to the other?

135. Have you made someone else feel guilty? Or tried to? What emotional effect did this have on you?

136. What is conscience, and what relation has it to guilt?

137. Do you remember being punished? What effect did punishment have upon guilt feelings? What other emotions did such punishment arouse?

138. Do you feel more guilty if you have: (a) hurt someone close to you (b) hurt a stranger (c) violated your own concept of what is right (d) broken a law or (e) broken a moral code?

139. Have you ever felt that someone was equally guilty with you, or more guilty? How did this affect your own sense of guilt? What emotional effect did it have upon you?

140. Have you ever felt that you wanted, or needed to be punished? Why?

141. In relation to what other persons, i.e., parents, siblings, friends, mate, children, or others, have you felt the most guilty?

142. What type of behavior, either experienced or contemplated, is associated in your mind with a greater feeling of guilt than any other?

143. Have you ever felt that you wanted to commit suicide? Why?

144. Have you ever felt guilty and proud of something at the same time?

145. Have you felt guilty for a wish or a thought? How does this guilt compare with guilt for something you have actually done?

146. Do you remember any dreams in which you felt guilty? What became of the emotion in the dream? What became of it after you awoke?

147. What part has religion played in your feelings of guilt? In causing guilt feelings? In allaying them?

148. What, in your opinion, is the difference between repentance and guilt? What are the similarities?

149. Can yu think of any good accomplished for you by the feeling of guilt? Any harm it has done you?

150. What do you do when you feel guilty; how do you act? How does it affect you physically?

151. How do you feel about guilt manifested by others?

G. Prejudice

152. What kinds of entertainment do you prefer? What kinds of entertainment do you dislike?

153. What foods do you dislike? Which do you prefer?

154. Is there a physical type that you dislike, in men or women? Is there a physical type to which you are attracted?

155. Can you recall having met someone whom you "instinctively" disliked? What was it about that person that you disliked? Can you recall having met someone who you immediately liked? Why did you like them?

156. What type of personality is most pleasing to you? What type of personality do you most dislike?

157. Are there any particular physical features that you dislike in people? Have you any idea why you dislike these features? Are there any physical features that attract you in people? Have you any idea why those features attract you?

158. Is there any racial group that you dislike? Is there any race or nationality that you particularly like?

159. Are you aware of any bias for or against any religious group?

160. Who is the first person you remember disliking? Why do you think you disliked that person? Who, apart from members of your immediate family, is the first person you remember liking? Why do you think you liked that person?

161. Is there any professional group for which you have a distinct preference? Is there any professional group which you are inclined to dislike?

162. Have you a bias for or against persons from particular parts of the country, as southern, mid-western, New England, etc.?

163. Are there any types of children that you "take to" or do not "take to"?

164. Are there any personal habits (as smoking, chewing gum, manner of dressing or wearing hair, speech, make-up, etc.) that bias you for or against individuals you meet?

165. What is your attitude toward prejudices in other people?

166. Would you object to meeting Negros professionally? Socially?

167. Would you object to staying in a hotel that had a large Jewish clientele?

168. Have you Jewish friends? Do you feel toward them exactly as toward your Gentile friends?

169. What is your feeling about intermarriage: between Negros and "whites," between Jews and Gentiles, between Catholics and Protestants?

170. What do you consider to be the effects of prejudice: (a) on the person having the prejudice; (b) one the object of the prejudice; (c) on society as a whole?

171. Have you ever felt that you were the object of prejudice? Explain, and describe how you felt.

172. Is one type of personality, in your opinion, more likely than another to be prejudiced?

173. Which of the qualities commonly attributed to Jews, as shrewd, grasping, intelligent, dishonest, aggressive, obese, noisy, do you believe to be justified?

174. Which of the qualities commonly attributed to Negroes, as ignorant, lazy, over-sexed, happy-go-lucky, diseased, shiftless, do you believe to be justified?

H. Social Patterns

175. How many close friends have you to whom you confide personal problems? Do you make friends easily? Do you keep them?

176. Do you prefer large or small parties?

177. Do you introduce yourself in company, or wait until you are introduced?

178. Do you consider yourself patient, or impatient? Cheerful or depressed? Tolerant or critical?

179. Do you enjoy speaking in public, or is this difficult for you?

180. Do you, or would you, enjoy work involving many contacts with the public?

181. Are you active in any clubs or organizations?

182. What sports or recreations do you enjoy?

183. Do you know your neighbors well? What sort of relations do you have with them? Are the people with whom you work congenial or uncongenial? What makes them so?

184. Do you enjoy knowing many different kinds of people, or prefer to keep in your own group?

185. How do you react in strange situations? Describe several such situations.

186. Are you conscious of what people say or think about you?

187. When are you the happiest? When saddest? Give some examples of both situations.

188. Are you, or are you not, easily bored? What particular situations bore you?
Antisocial History (189-192)
189. Have you at any time been in conflict with the law; arrested, tried or convicted for any offense? If so, please give a full, detailed, and chronological account of such arrests, trials, convictions, etc. Can you furnish any reasons for such behavior?

190. Have you at any time been guilty of offenses which were not detected, but which, if they had been detected, would have resulted in your arrest? If so, describe, and give reasons for your behavior.

191. Have you ever suffered from kleptomania (compulsive stealing )? If so, give a detailed account of this, stating your age at the time. What prompted you to do that? What gratification did you get from such behavior? When did it stop?

192. Have you ever had an impulse to set fires? Have you ever yielded to that impulse? If so, give a detailed account of this, stating your age at the time. What prompted you to do that? What gratification did you get from such behavior? When did it stop?
Psychosexual History (193-291)
A. Early Curiosity and Interest

193. What is the first thing you can remember which in any way aroused your interest in, or curiosity about, sex? For example: When did you first become conscious of the nude body, of another person? Who was it? Describe the circumstances. When did you first hear or see something which prompted you to ask a question about sex? When did you first ask, "Where do babies come from?" and what answer did you get? Did this answer satisfy you, and if not, why not? When did you first observe sexual activity in animals? Can you think of anything else that is associated with your earliest interest in, or consciousness of, sex? When did you first become aware of the difference between the male and the female sex?

194. If there were younger children in your family, do you remember anything about their birth? If so, how did you react to it, or what did you think about it? What did you know about birth at that time, or what were you told? If you were any only child, what was your first occasion to think anything about the birth of other children, e.g., a neighbor's child, the child of some relative, etc.? What interest, curiosity, reflections, etc., did it arouse?

195. Can you remember ever having seen your parents engaged in sexual intercourse? Can you remember ever hearing them engaged in sexual intercourse? If so, give a detailed account of what you saw and/or heard, and the impression which it created in you; and state your age at the time. State particularly whether such witnessing was accidental or deliberately planned.

196. Can you remember any misconceptions or erroneous ideas which you had as a child, connected with sexual or excretory processes, or with the meaning of certain words that had a sexual connotation, etc.?

197. As a child, did you ever see a younger child being nursed? If so, what impression did it make on you, or what did you think or feel at the time? How old were you then?

198. Can you remember your earliest curiosity about your own sexual organs? How old were you then? Give an account of this. Did you ask questions? How were they answered? Who answered them? Did the answers satisfy you? If not, why not? What conclusions did you arrive at?

199. Can you remember your earliest curiosity about the sex organs of the opposite sex? How old were you then? Give an account of this. Did you ask questions? How were they answered? Who answered them? Did the answers satisfy you? If not, why not? What conclusions did you arrive at?

200. In which sex organs were you the most interested, the male or the female? Why?

201. Were there questions about sex which you were ashamed to ask your parents? What were those questions? Why were you ashamed to ask them? Or were you afraid, rather than ashamed? If so, why?

202. Can you indicate the progress of your sexual curiosity? What sexual facts were you the most curious about at certain ages? For example: 6 to 11; 12 to 15; 16 to 18; 18 to 20. At what age did you have the keenest curiosity about sex?

203. Are there any phases of sex about which you are still curious, or concerning which you feel that you have insufficient knowledge? If so, what are they?

B. Sexual Instruction

204. What sort of sexual instruction did you receive in childhood, or didn't you receive any? If you did receive some, by whom was it imparted and how? ( We are referring here to serious sexual instruction by older persons; not to street or playground information obtained from other children.)

205. Was sex ever mentioned or discussed in your hearing by any other member of the family? Of so, give an account of what you heard, and the impressions which you received.

206. What was the earliest sexual instruction you had? How old were you? By whom was it imparted and how? What was your reaction to it?

207. From what source did you receive the sexual instruction which you consider did the most good. Tell something about this.

208. Did any adult, or any appreciably older child, under the pretext of giving you sex instruction, ever take any personal liberties with you during your childhood? If so, describe the incident, stating your age at the time as well as the approximate age of the other person. Describe also the effect which this incident has had on you; whether it was pleasant or unpleasant; what you thought about it at the time, and whether you thought differently about it later on.

C. Sex Dreams, Nocturnal and Involuntary Emissions, etc.

209. At what age did you first experience nocturnal emissions? What was your reaction to them? Did they frighten or worry you? Were they something strange to you, or had you already been prepared for them?

210. Were any of these nocturnal emissions accompanied by dreams? If so, give as much of a description of such dreams as you can remember. Was the first emission you can remember accompanied by a dream, or did the dreams come later? How old were you at that time?

211. What was your reaction to sex dreams? Did they leave you feeling buoyant or depressed? Why did you feel either way? Did you report this to any member of your family, or did you consult a doctor?

212. Did you ever have any involuntary seminal emissions during waking hours? If so, describe the circumstances under which these occurred. Were they preceded by any activity which had no apparent connection with anything sexual? If so, what activity? Have you ever had emissions as the result of physical contact with another person? If so, was such contact accompanied by conscious sexual excitement, or was it not? In either case relate the exact circumstances, and especially your emotional reaction on such cases.

213. Are there any other circumstances, not covered by the questions you have already answered, under which you experienced involuntary emissions? If so, describe.

D. Masturbation

214. Please describe in the greatest possible detail the first time you masturbated. How did you come upon it? Give all the attendant circumstances -- age, time, place, surroundings, etc. -- and tell in exactly what manner the act was performed. Did it result from the suggestion of someone else, or did you discover the process by yourself? Also describe your feelings afterwards. Was this initial masturbation accompanied by any mental images or fantasies? If so, describe them in extreme detail, individual and by type. Was it solitary or in the company of some companion?

215. After the first time you masturbated, give an account of your subsequent masturbatory activity up to the present. State frequency at different periods, giving your age at each period; and describe particularly the exact nature of the accompanying fantasies. Also describe your mental and emotional reactions to this practice, which probably differed at different periods.

216. Did you ever engage in mutual, reciprocal, or competitive masturbation with another child, or with other children (boys? girls? ). If so, describe in detail. Did you ever witness masturbatory activity by other children (boys? girls? ). If so, describe, and state your age in each instance.

217. Did masturbation become a definite problem with you? Did you associate it with the idea of manliness or sin; or with weakness of character? Did you worry about "lost manhood"? Had you been told that it would lead to terrible consequences such as insanity? And if so, did you worry over this? If you had none of these reactions, what was your attitude toward it, and what was the basis of that attitude?

218. Did you continue to masturbate after you began having heterosexual relations? Did it follow immediately upon the completion of the first heterosexual act, or was it sometime afterwards? What was the character of your masturbatory fantasies? Did they differ from those which you had before you commenced having heterosexual relations? If so, how did they differ?

219. Were there times when you found masturbation more satisfactory than sexual intercourse? If so, can you tell why? Did you always find masturbation more satisfactory than sexual intercourse? If so, why?

220. What is your present attitude toward masturbation?

E. Heterosexuality

221. When, where, at what age, and under what circumstances, did you first experience sexual intercourse? Give a full and completely detailed account of this first experience.

222. Prior to your first sexual intercourse, did you have any relations with members of the other sex that bordered on the sexual, without progressing as far as actual intercourse? If so, give a detailed account of such relations, stating your age in connection with each episode described.

223. Did you ever participate in group sexual activities?

224. After you had experienced sexual intercourse for the first time, give an account of your subsequent heterosexual relations up to the time of your marriage ( if you have been married ); or up to the present time, if you are still single. How often did these occur, under what circumstances, with what types of persons, etc.? Was it with a girl and woman friends, or prostitutes?

225. If you are married, give a fairly detailed account of your marital relations to date. Have these relations been satisfactory or unsatisfactory? If unsatisfactory, tell in exactly what way they have been unsatisfactory. If you have been married more than once, give a similar account of the marital relations in each marriage.

226. Did any of your heterosexual relations include any irregular or so-called abnormal acts, e.g., fellatio, cunnilingus, anal intercourse, analingus, etc.? If so, describe the circumstances under which these departures from normal intercourse took place, and also your reactions to them.

227. When and in what connection did you first hear about prostitutes? What was your reaction when you heard?

228. If you are a man, have you ever had sexual relations with a prostitute? If so, describe your first visit to a prostitute, stating your age at the time. Then give an account of any subsequent relations you have had with prostitutes. If you are a woman, when did you first yield to a man and under what circumstances? Have you ever engaged in commercial prostitution? If so, tell how you came to do this, and describe your first experience as a prostitute. Then give a general account of any subsequent activities as a prostitute. If you have never engaged in commercial prostitution, have you ever engaged privately in sexual relations for which you received money or its equivalent? If so, give a detailed account of such relations, stating your age, the other persons involved, your reaction, etc.

229. If you are a man, have you ever visited a prostitute in the company of another man, or other men, ever followed each other in sexual relations with a woman who was not a prostitute? If so, describe the circumstances in each case.

230. Have you ever attended a party during which sexual exhibitions were staged or sexual moving pictures shown? What was your reaction to such exhibitions or pictures at that time? Can you recall any particular exhibition or picture which you considered unusually exciting, or which made a lasting impression on you? If so, please give a detailed account of it.

231. Did you ever participate in any adult sexual activity of a pluralistic character, i.e., involving more than two persons? If so, describe in detail, giving place, time, surroundings, the number of persons involved, how much of the other persons' activities you witnessed, whether there was any exchange of partners, etc. What was your reaction to such episodes?

232. Reviewing your past sexual life, what is your opinion of your sex urge as compared with that of others? Describe by age or periods. Was it accompanied by a great deal of tension? Was it moderate or minimal?

233. What particular changes of opinion or viewpoint do you think have characterized your sexual development? How does your present attitude toward sex differ from earlier attitudes? In answering this question, try to indicate the ages at which specific attitudes existed and the ages at which they underwent a change.

F. Homosexuality

234. When and in what connection did you first hear about homosexuality? How old were you? What was your reaction when you heard?

235. Have you had any homosexual experience? If so, describe in detail the first time that you had a homosexual experience, and state your age at that time. ( Note: What is meant here by "homosexual experience" is any sort of physical contact with another person of the same sex as yourself, whether this contact was considered at the time as being "sexual" or not. The question does not necessarily refer to genital contact, nor to contact motivated by conscious sexual interest. The experience may have been a highly idealistic one, or it may have been a frankly sexual one. What makes it "homosexual" is the interest in and physical contact with another person of the same sex.)

236. If, after the first homosexual experience, which you have already described, you had additional homosexual experiences, please give a detailed and chronological account of such experiences, whether they were primarily emotional or frankly sexual. State your approximate age in connection with each episode described, and bear in mind the fact that by "homosexual experience" we mean any emotional interest in or physical familiarity with another person of the same sex as yourself.

237. Are you or are you not, proud, glad, happy, satisfied, ( or use any other term which you may prefer ) with the fact that are a ( man ) ? ( woman ) ? Discuss in detail your feelings about belonging to your own sex, from your earliest recollections up to the present time. Have you ever wished that you were of the opposite sex? Can you asses any of your personality traits which you feel belong to one sex and those which might be regarded as belonging to the opposite sex?

238. As a child, were you particularly interested in the clothes, games, or other activities of persons of the opposite sex other than in those of your own sex? If so, give a detailed account of such interest, stating your age at the time.

239. What is your present attitude toward homosexuality? Do you condemn it, condone it, deplore it; or how otherwise do you regard it? Give your reasons for whatever attitude you have described.

240. What have you read about homosexuality? If this reading was of a scientific nature, cite books and authors, if you remember them. Have you read any works of fiction which deal to a considerable extent with a homosexual theme? If so, state what they were, their authors, and your opinion of them.

G. Voyeurism (Looking or "peeping")

241. Can you recall any "peeping" episodes in childhood; attempts to see the nude bodies of other persons; to see other persons undressing, or engaged in any sort of sexual behavior? Did you ever accidentally come upon another person, or upon other persons, nude or engaged in any sort of sexual activity? If so, describe all such scenes in detail and state your age in each instance.

242. Did you at any time deliberately go out of your way in order to try to see other persons nude or engaged in any sort of sexual activity? If so, describe such attempts, stating your age in each instance.

243. Did you ever go with others on "peeping" excursions, with the deliberate purpose of trying to see nudity or sexual activity? If so, describe in detail, stating your age at the time.

244. Have you ever attended movies, burlesque shows, vaudeville shows, musical comedies, or other theatrical presentations, motivated mainly by the expectation that they offered an opportunity to see a considerable amount of nudity? Did any of these presentations cause you to become extremely excited? If so, describe them in some detail, stating your age at the time and mentioning the particular feature which you consider responsible for the excitement.

245. Have you ever visited bathing beaches, athletic exhibitions, Turkish baths, "health clubs," or any other similar place, motivated mainly by the expectation of seeing a considerable amount of nudity? If so describe, stating your age at the time and your reaction to whatever you saw.

H. Exhibitionism

246. As a child, did you ever run about nude, or did you ever want to do so? Did you ever expose your sexual organs? If so, give a detailed account of this, stating your age at the time, exactly what you did and how you did it, what the reaction was of others, etc.

247. Did you ever have an impulse, at a later period than childhood, to exhibit your sexual organs in public? Did you ever fear you might yield to such an impulse? Did you ever yield to it? If so, give a detailed account of any such exhibitionistic impulses, temptations, or activities, stating your age in each instance.

248. What is the nature of your behavior in the presence of others? Do you like to "show off," to be the center of attraction? Do you like to parade in scant attire on a bathing beach or in any other place where this may be done? Do you like to appear nude before another person, or other persons, and if so under what circumstances? In other words, do you generally avail yourself of any opportunity to attract attention to yourself or to show off your body to others.

249. What is your taste in dress? Do you like conspicuous clothing, bright colors, loud patterns, "daring" costumes; or are your tastes conservative and do you dress as inconspicuously as possible?

I. Sadomasochism

250. As a child, did you at any time derive conscious pleasure from being whipped? If so, describe the situation in detail, stating who whipped you, exactly how you were whipped, and all the attendant circumstances. How old were you at the time?

251. As a child, did you at any time derive conscious pleasure from seeing someone else whipped? If so, describe the situation in detail, telling who the other persons were, exactly how the whipping was done, and how old you were at the time.

252. As a child or adolescent, did you ever engage in games which had a sexually stimulating effect, e.g., games in which you whipped or spanked another, or where yourself whipped or spanked; games in which you were "tied up" or in which you "tied up" someone else; wrestling, etc.? If so, describe in detail and state your age at the that time.

253. Can you recall any passages in literature, scenes in plays or moving pictures etc., which involved whipping, flogging, or any other forms of physical punishment or torture, and which caused you any sexual excitation? If so, give a brief account of them, emphasizing the specific feature which you think was responsible for the excitement. If such pictures, etc. caused no sexual excitement, did they provoke any other particularly noticeable reaction?

254. Do you have a tendency to bite, pinch, strike, or otherwise hurt a sexual partner? If so, tell exactly what you like to do. and to exactly what extent you carry such activity. Is such activity always followed by sexual intercourse, or are there any occasions when you engage in such activity without having sexual intercourse? Give a full and detailed account of any experiences you have had which included any such activity on your part.

255. Do you ever want to have a sexual partner bite, pinch, strike, or otherwise hurt you? If so, tell exactly what you like to have them do and to what extent you like to have them carry out such activity. Is such activity always followed by sexual intercourse, or are there any occasions when such activity is engaged in without having sexual intercourse? Give a full and detailed account of any experience you have had which included any such activity on the part of another.

256. What is the relation of all above activities to masturbation?

J. Transvestism (cross dressing)

257. As a child or adolescent, did you ever "dress up" in the clothes of the opposite sex, or with the aid of any materials which had the effect of approximating or suggesting the clothes of the opposite sex? If so, give a detailed account of this, stating the age at which it began and how long it continued, with an indication of the frequency of such activity. Was this "dressing up" done in secret, or with the knowledge of others, or in the company of others?

258. Have you ever taken part in any theatrical production, either amateur or professional, in which you played a member of the opposite sex? Did you particularly like this, dislike it, or were you indifferent to it? Did you choose the role or were you asked to take it? Give a fairly detailed account of any such appearance, stating your age at the time, and also stating whether the playing of the part of a member of the opposite sex was "straight" (serious) or whether it was a burlesque.

259. Have you ever attended any private parties, masked balls, Halloween revels, Mardi Gras celebration, or similar gatherings, in which some of those present, or all of them, were dressed in the clothes of the opposite sex? What was your reaction to these gatherings? Did you yourself dress as a member of the opposite sex on any such occasion?

260. If you are a man, do you make a practice of attending nightclubs, etc. which feature female impersonation? Why does this form of entertainment attract you? If you are a woman, do you try to attend any entertainment which features male impersonation? Why does this form of entertainment attract you?

K. Partialism

261. Is there any particular part of the human body which hold a special fascination for you, besides the genitals, i.e., the breasts, buttocks, etc.?

262. Have you ever occupied yourself exclusively with the particular part of the body which yu say holds a special fascination for you; that is, have you ever occupied yourself with it to the exclusion of sexual intercourse? Or as an absolute requirement for sexual intercourse? If so, give a full and detailed account of exactly how you have occupied yourself with it, and the degree of sexual excitement or satisfaction which it provoked. Did you ever experience an orgasm as the result of such exclusive attention to the particular part of the body under discussion? What age was represented by such activity?

L. Fetishism

263. Is there any particular material, fabric, or substance which appeals to you to an extraordinary extent; which you especially like to touch, stroke, or handle, e.g., silk, velvet, rubber, mud, etc.? If so, give a detailed account of your interest in such material, fabric, or substance. Can you remember the first time it exerted unusual interest? How old were you? Under just what circumstances was your interest aroused? Does contact with the particular material, fabric, or substance under discussion ever provoke sexual excitement? If so, to exactly what extent?

264. Are there any particular objects, articles of wearing apparel, etc. which interest you to the point of sexual excitement? If so, give a full and detailed account of your experience with these, telling under just what circumstances and at just what age this interest was first manifested, and to exactly what extent the article, object, etc. excites you sexually. Have you ever made collections of the item or object in question, and if so, where or from whom? Have you ever masturbated with the aid of such article or object?

M. Zoophilia

265. Did you as a child or adolescent ever attempt to have sexual relations with any animal, or engage in any sort of sexual activity with any animal? If so, describe in detail, stating your age at the time. Was such activity carried out secretly, or in the company of others?

266. Have you, since reaching adulthood, ever attempted to have sexual relations with any animal, or engage in any sort of sexual activity with an animal; or has there been any occasion when proximity to or contact with any animal caused you to become sexually excited? If so, give a full detailed account of any such experience.

267. Have you ever attended any exhibition in which a woman (or a man) had any sort of sexual relation with an animal? If so, what was your reaction to such an exhibition?

N. Coprophilia

268. Have you any pronounced or extraordinary reaction to urine or feces? Does the sight of them disgust or attract you, or are you completely indifferent to them?

269. Can you recall any childhood episode in which urine or feces or both figured conspicuously? If so, describe it in detail, stating your age at the time and impression it made on you.

270. Did you in childhood or later ever have another person urine on you; or did you ever urinate on another person? If so, describe the episode in detail, stating your age at the time and the impression which it left on you.

271. Did you as a child ever drink, or attempt to drink, any urine; or to get another child to do so? If so, describe the circumstances in detail.

272. Do you ever suffer from constipation or diarrhea? If so, give some account of this. Are these conditions associated with any particular circumstances?

273. Are you extremely neat and tidy in your living quarters, or are you careless and "sloppy"? How do you keep desk or dresser drawers? Are you a fanatic about personal cleanliness, or are you somewhat lax in this respect?

274. Do you have an abnormally keen sense of smell? Are you particularly sensitive to certain odors? If so, to what odors?

O. Necrophilia

275. Do dead bodies interest or fascinate you? Have you ever wanted to be an undertaker or to assist an undertaker? Have you ever had occasion to handle a dead body, and if so what effect did this have on you?

276. If you are a man, are you one of those who during sexual intercourse demands complete absence of any movement by your sexual partner, or who wants the sexual partner to be as lifeless as possible?

277. Have you ever had any dreams or fantasies of inflicting injury of any kind on a dead person? Can you recall having read any story, newspaper article, etc., involving interference with the dead? If so, what was your reaction?

P. Sexual Stimulation

288. Have you ever attended "strip-poker" parties, or other similar gatherings at which sexual activities, or activities suggestive of sexual interest, took place? Did such parties include persons of both sexes, or were they confined to persons of one sex only? Give an account of such parties and your reaction them.

289. If you have indulged to any extent in alcohol, discuss in detail the relation between alcohol and sex in your own case. What influence do they have on each other? What sexual activity have you engaged in under the influence of alcohol that you have not engaged in otherwise?

290. Can you recall any passages in books, scenes in plays or moving pictures, or anything else which you have read or seen, which was provocative of considerable sexual excitation? If so, describe same, stating the particular feature which you think was responsible for the sexual excitement.

281. If you have at any time used any drug or drugs, discuss in detail the relation between this and sex in your own case. Have you engaged in any sexual activity under the influence of a drug that you would not have engaged in otherwise, etc.?

282. Are there any other forms of sexual stimulation not covered by the questions that you have already answered that have figured in your past experience? If so, give a detailed account of them, state your age at which you came in contact with them, and the extent to which they affected you.

Q. Personal and Social Factors

283. Would you describe yourself as prudish? What do you mean by prudish?

284. Do you think that you could be described as "over-nice," too modest, or unusually "innocent"? Would this description have applied to you at any time during your childhood? If so, at what age? As a child, were you "over-good"?

285. What is your attitude toward risqué stories? Are you easily disgusted? If so, by what?

286. In your friendships are you: demonstrative; cold; whimsical? Discuss. Do you think that your friendships reflect either a parental or fraternal interest? Discuss.

287. Which members of your family do you resemble? Do you have any special attraction or repulsion in relation to either of your parents or any of your siblings? If so, describe.

288. Have you shown any marked change of attitude toward any members of your family? If so, when did such change take place? Tell something about it and the reasons for it.

289. Have you at any time shown any marked reaction to either marriage or death in your family? If so, describe.

290. Do you consider that you have good appreciation of right and wrong in sex matters? Discuss.

291. How much conscious restraint do you impose on your sexual inclinations?
VII. Dream Life (292 - 299)
292. Do you dream frequently, occasionally, rarely, or are you one of those person's who insist that they do not dream at all?

293. Are your dreams vivid or vague? Are you frequently able to remember them upon wakening, or do they evaporate as soon as you wake up?

294. What sort of dreams do you have? Are they generally pleasant or unpleasant? Do you have any nightmares or terrifying dreams? If so, can you remember any such dreams that you have had in the past?

295. Do you have any recurring dreams, i.e., dreams which recur at intervals, depicting the same or similar situations? If so, what is the character of such dreams? Can you remember some of them? If so, describe them.

296. Do you have emission dreams? If so, can you describe some of these which you have had in the past?

297. Do you ever walk or talk in your sleep? If so, describe any such activity that you can remember or about which you have been told by others.

298. Do you have erotic dreams from which you awake in a state of sexual excitement but which do not culminate in emission? If so, give some account of these.

299. Can you remember from the past any outstanding dreams which made a deep impression on you because of their beauty, absurdity, unusual character, unpleasantness, fear element, or for any other reasons? If so, describe.
IX. Attitudes, Opinions, Viewpoints (300-312)
( Note: In answering questions, please do not confine yourself merely to an expression of your opinion, but state in each case whatever reasons you may have for the opinion which you have expressed )

A. Sexual Instruction

300. Do you believe that children should or should not be given sexual instruction? If you believe that they should be given such instruction, at what age do you recommend sexual instruction for (a) boys; (b) girls? By whom do you think such instruction should be given?

B. Marriage

301. Do you believe that "marriages are made in heaven"? What do you consider to be the essentials of a happy marriage?

302. Do you believe in divorce? If so, why and under what circumstances? If not, why not?

303. What do you consider to be the proper number of times for a married couple to engage in sexual intercourse per night, week, or month?

304. Do you believe that sexual relations between a married couple should be exclusively for the purpose and in the expectation of producing children? If so, why; and if not, why not?

305. Is there any alternative to marriage that you approve of? If so, what is it, and why do you approve of it?

C. Morals

306. What is your attitude toward "free love"?

307. What is your attitude toward prostitution?

308. Do you believe in censorship of:

(a) literature
(b) the stage
(c) moving pictures
(d) art? If so, how and to what extent do you think it should be exercised? If not, why not?

309. Do you believe that sexual relations for their own sake are immoral? If so, why? If not, why not?

310. Do you believe that man is essentially monogamous or essentially polygamous? Do you believe in the double standard of morals, or would allow women the same latitude in sexual behavior as you would men?

311. What do you consider to be the most satisfactory solution to the sex problem in youth?

312. Do you believe in birth control, or are you firmly opposed to it? If you believe in it, discuss the circumstances under which you consider it justified.

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