Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Enneagram Personality Types

The Enneagram Personality Types are as follows:
1-Perfectionist, Reformer, Judge, Crusader, Critic, Proselytizing

Enneagram Personality Type One
Perfectionist, Reformer, Judge, Crusader, Critic, Proselytizing

Resentment with the fear of being wrong, bad, evil or corruptible

In a search for perfection, the attention of the One goes to the environment,
improvement, imperfection and correction.

Self Definition
I am good, I am right, I am in control, I am appropriate and I am uncorruptible

Anger, Limitation, Impropriety

To reclaim a sense of Serenity for true perfection.

2- Giver, Caretaker, Helper, Nurturer, Advisor, Manipulating
Enneagram Personality Type Two

Giver, Caretaker, Helper, Nurturer, Advisor, Manipulating

Pride with the fear of being worthless, useless, dispensable or inconsequential

In a search for higher will, the attention of the Two goes to flattery,
other's needs, the one who can meet their needs and being helpful.

Self Definition
I am caring, I am nurturing, I am helpful, and I am appealing

Own needs, Own neediness, Immutability

To reclaim their sense of humility in service to a higher will.
3-Performer, Motivator, Achiever, Producer, Status Seeker, Deceiving
Enneagram Personality Type Three

Performer, Motivator, Acheiver, Producer, Status Seeker, Deceiving

Vanity with the fear of being incompetent, inefficient, unmasked or unable to do

In a search for hope, the attention of the Three goes to
performance, prestige, and status for approval.

Self Definition
I am productive, I am successful, I am competent and I am the best

Failure, Nothingness, Second Best

To reclaim a sense of honesty to restore hope and authenticity.
4- Individualist, Artist, Mystic, Melodramatic, Elitist, Demeaning
Enneagram Personality Type Four

Individualist, Artist, Melodramatic, Mystic, Elitist, Demeaning

Envy with the fear of being painfully lacking, inadequate, flawed or defective

In a search for connection to original source, the attention of the Four
goes to the search for meaning, what is missing, melancholy, and longing for the unavailable.

Self Definition
I am unique, I am special, I am aesthetic, and I am tasteful

Ordinary, Commonness, Commonplace, negative mirroring

To reclaim a sense of emotional balance to reconnect with original source.
5-Observer, Investigator, Thinker, Sage, Voyeur, Condescending
Enneagram Personality Type Five

Observer, Investigator, Thinker, Sage, Voyeur, Condescending

Avarice with the fear of not existing,
annihilation, being fully embodied or contamination

In search of omniscience and knowing, the attention
of the Five, goes to observing, hiding and withholding.

Self Definition
I am knowledgeable, I am perceptive, I observant and I am different

Emptiness, Not Knowing, Surplus, Negative Visibility

To reclaim a sense of non-attachment for true knowing and omniscience.
6-Devils Advocate, Loyalist, Skeptic, Guardian, Rebel, Persecuting
Enneagram Personality Type Six
Devils Advocate, Loyalist, Skeptic, Guardian, Rebel, Persecuting

Fear of fear itself and of being alone, unprotected,
tendency to submit or physical abandonment

In a search for faith and security, the attention of the Six
goes to doubt and fear, scanning for and focusing on danger
and hidden motives or agendas.

Self Definition
I am cooperative, I am dutiful, I am provocative and I am compliant or rebellious

Deviance, Uncertainty, Different

To reclaim a sense of courage to restore true faith.
7-Epicure, Entertainer, Optimist, Adventurer, Joker, Rationalizing, Patronizing
Enneagram Personality Type Seven

Epicure, Entertainer, Optimist, Adventurer, Joker, Rationalizing, Patronizing

Gluttony with a fear of being incomplete, limited, inferior, or confined.

In the search for right work and focused concentration, the attention of the
Seven goes to planning, imagination, and multiple options.

Self Definition
I am happy, I am fun, I am enthusiastic and I am playful

Emotional pain, Sadness, Boredom

To reclaim a sense of sobriety for right work.
8-Leader, Solution Master, Boss, Maverick, Protector, Defying
Enneagram Personality Type Eight

Leader, Solution Master, Maverick, Protector, Boss, Defying

Excess with the fear of being humiliated, controlled, powerless or vulnerable

In a relentless search for truth, the attention of the Eight goes to the issue of
justice, power and influence - who has it, where it is, and how to get it.

Self Definition
I am invincible, I am powerful, I am strong and I am authentic, self-reliant

Weakness, Vulnerability, Mediocre

To reclaim their sense of innocence in order to acknowledge a higher truth.
9-Peacemaker, Mediator, Naturalist, Accomodator, Abdicating
Enneagram Personality Type Nine

Peacemaker, Mediator, Naturalist, Accomodator, Abdicator

Indolence with the fear of being shutout, loveless, discordant or inharmonious

In a search for unconditional love and union, the attention of the Nine goes to
spreading out, diffusing, and identifying with and merging with others.

Self Definition
I am agreeable, I am easy going, I am peaceful and I am unassuming

Conflict, Discord, Complication

To reclaim right action and their own sense of self for true love.

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