Saturday, September 29, 2007

Writing Workshop

To get the most out of any workshop on writing, make demands upon yourself.

Think of yourself as at an audition for extras. Allow one part of yourself to observe the other as an actor. The actor is to begin to imagine being at a sports event. Slowly build up the imagination by adding factors to play off of -- such as an extremely cold or hot temperature or life and death. For example, imagine you have bet your last dollar on the game and if you lose, you lose your life -- say to the mob. Utilize the emotions you are feeling to write what your characters are feeling.

Always remember (never forget) the five W's:

1 - Who? - outlook, ethics, economics, religion, etc.
2 - Where? - rules of the game, realism, magic realism, etc.
3 - When?
4 - What? - objective/obstacle
5 - Why? - motivation

The key is to answer the sixth question: "How?"

The higher the stakes, the richer the conflict. Two characters with the same objective equal a boring story.

If it's not personal, it won't mean much to the audience.

You can't play the obstacle; you must play the objective.

You know what “they” say- it always comes in threes.

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