Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The mind is a terrible thing to waste

The Mind is a Wonderful Thing
Here are a few interesting factoids to consider:
The oldest language in the world, Sanskrit, is related to only two other known languages: Gaelic and Iranian. It seems it is no accident that Ireland (Eire) and Iran have similar names!
Gaelic therefore represents a tradition that is likely thousands of years older than the earliest recorded memory.
To give some idea of the capacity of the human memory:
There are 4 major Vedic texts in India's heritage, each some 4 times longer than the Christian Bible, plus a fifth that is twice as long. They are 10,000 years old.
They were passed down by word of mouth for at least 5,000 years before they could possibly be written down.
In all that time, there is only disagreement over the contents of one phrase in the texts. (Contrast that with the number of scholarly arguments over the written Bible!
The texts are rhythmic, and they rhyme. People are good at remembering things like that!
Conclusion:The human mind has astonishing capacity that is virtually untapped. Use it! Grow it! To bring the point home: You easily recall hundreds of songs you heard growing up. You can hear every note of your favorite tune, every vocal inflection, and every stylistic detail in your "inner ear". Give it a try!

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