Monday, February 19, 2007

Notes for stories:

Yellow Dog
Last month, when I came here, (to the orphanage), I traced the children’s feet on pieces of paper. Told ‘em it was so I could track ‘em down if I ever needed to, so they’d best be good and mind the sisters. Then I went and bought ‘em all shoes.”
Lou got all choked up and couldn’t speak.
“We’re to put our used clothing in the missionary barrel at church, then it’s shipped overseas.
Gabe remembered digging in that barrel for decent clothes.
Chambray material, soft lawn material, plain and ruffled pinafore
Saying grace at the table and going to church
“Gabe watched from the orphanage window as his mother climbed into the buggy and drove away. He never saw her again. He never trusted any woman after that, expecting them to leave when the going got touch. He was ten.”
“There’s no law against whippin’ your own child. A judge will rule children returned to their parents unles the parent does something they can be arrested for.”
When we feel bad about ourselves, we tend to dwell under a dark cloud of depression. Sometimes we can’t think of anything else but how much weight we’ve gained and how much we would like to lose. The good news is that darkness always is replaced by light. We can get out from under the burden of our weight. We can change for the better. Our Lord is a liberator. He frees us from anything that oppresses us. Obesity is oppressing, and God is ready and willing to free us. No darkness is too great for God to dispel. No matter how dark and dismal our physical condition may be, in the light of Christ, we can trim down.
Today’s thought: We always look better in God’s light than in our own darkness.
“Please understand that I do not tell this story just because in my study of third grade literature I learned that every hero needs a “worthy opponent.” What I mean is, would we have an Achilles without a Hector, a Superman without a Lex Luthor, or a Woodrow Call or Augustus McCray without the 19th century American West? “Neigh” sayeth the great equine critic, Mr. Ed(ward).“ “Ron Thomason”

Decision to act
Consequences of action

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