Tuesday, December 19, 2006

story starters

Turn the tables. Write about a male character who is unbelievably naïve, passive and confused versus a woman’s strength and intelligence

Beauty is said to be in the eye of the beholder, but most people will agree that certain women are beautiful. What facial features constitute female beauty? Studies indicate that a somewhat high forehead, large eyes, a smallish nose and chin, prominent cheekbones and full lips are close to the ideal for women, as judged by men.

Salt tastes good, creates thirst, and heals uniquely.

Evil is marketed by radicals, elitists, and pseudo-experts by selling us corruption disguised as freedom.

“A gift-giving virtue is the highest virtue.” Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra

They are so busy singing “I am so happy with Jesus” that they don’t know is Jesus is happy with them.

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