Monday, December 25, 2006

How to tell if he is interested

How to Date : Does He/She Like Me?
One of the most difficult parts of any relationship is getting it started. You worry about making the right impression, and about being turned down when you finally start getting serious.

Are they Nice in Public?
Anybody can flirt in private. But how does this person treat you in public? Sure, they might be shy. But they should be NICE. If your partner makes jokes about you, or meanly ignores you, that's not good. If someone likes you, they would care about your feelings - *especially* in public.

Ask Questions with Complex Answers
A person who likes you will enjoy talking to you. But some people are shy and not sure how to hold a conversation. Consider it your mission to help them learn! Instead of asking questions that have yes/no answers, ask questions that require a better answer. There are tons of suggestions on this site, thinks like 'if you could have any pet, what would it be? Why?'

Do They Remember your Information?
We all remember things that are important to us. So tell your person about your family, your friends, your favorite bands and TV shows. Then a few days later, bring up one of these things and see if they remember. If they do - that's a sure sign they were paying attention and like you!Note that some people have awful memories naturally and can't help forgetting. So don't test them on the name of your gerbil you had 8 years ago. Go with something a bit easier.

Does He / She Like Me?
Many people are naturally insecure and doubt that they are liked even when it's pretty obvious. If she says hi to you all the time and enjoys talking to you, she likes you. People don't deliberately spend time talking to someone they dislike :) If he waits for you after school to talk to you, he likes you. People often wonder, "does he like me ENOUGH" or "does she like me THAT way?" You have to take a step back and stop thinking in ultimate terms. Accept that he LIKES you. He talks to you, he likes you. She waits for you, she likes you. Relationships always start with friendships. If you're talking, you're friends. If you talk, you are liked. Build on that, build your friendship. Build the time you spend with each other. The more you talk together, the more you spend time together, the closer you'll get.

Does he / she love me?
Love is different to every person, and every person shows it differently. Some people "love" a cute bird on a branch or a cute puppy in a window. Other people only feel ready to say they "love" someone that they are ready to propose to - everyone else is just "seriously like". Some people are clingy and slobbery, while others are quiet and laid back. The easiest way to know if someone loves you is to sit down and talk with the person, and really find out how they feel. Maybe what they call "like" is really what you call "love" and it's just a matter of what you name it.Most people would say love is when the person is ready to make a commitment to you and to have you be an important part of his or her life.

Don’t see your girlfriend everyday
If you’re with a chick and you love her, you want to see her everyday, right? Well sometimes it’s not a good idea. Sometimes if you see her everyday she will get bored of you and lose interest.This also depends on how your chick is. If she’s out going, these apply. If she’s more of a traditional girl that loves her boyfriend then he needs to be there for her for any little thing, then it doesn’t. You usually can tell if she’s traditional by noticing if she’s innocent acting.

Every Person is Different
Every person is different. Some flirt only with people they like. Some flirt with everybody. Some are shy and don't talk a lot with people they like. Others talk their fool heads off. Some twirl their hair because they're bored. Others twirl their hair to flirt.So the answer is there is no secret code. Every person is unique. You need to get to know this person, to know what THEY do when they're happy, when they're sad, when they're interested, when they're bored. The more time you spend with your person, the more you'll understand his or her INDIVIDUAL reactions. Also, the more time you spend with your person, the more you can be sure this person obviously likes you, because the person is choosing to spend time with you and not elsewhere!

How do I tell him I like him?
You don’t want to just walk up to him and say that you like him, because that puts him in a really awkward position, and now he has to say something, even if he’s shy too. You want to *show* him that you like him, by spending time with him, complimenting him, saying he looks nice, wanting to go to a movie with him or out to get something to eat or whatever. Find out what he likes to do and offer to do it with him. He’ll realize that you *do* like him because you’re proving it to him, and he’ll appreciate that much much more than you just saying you do! Have you ever spent time with him before? Start now!

Humor can win her heart
if u need the little extra to get the girl to like u humor is the best way. every1 loves 2 laugh, so if u kno how to make her smile, she's urs. But dont try to hard, if ur clearly not a funny person dont try it, find something else ur good at and use that to help her like u. If that fails accept defeat and move on, it was obviously never meant to be.

Is she really interested?
This is probably one of the oldest questions in the world :) That´s why there are so many love-o-meters and horoscopes out there, to try to figure it out.Really, you have to sit down and be open and honest with your partner. Talk about what you both feel about the relationship. A lot of it depends on how long you´ve been together. If it’s only been a few weeks or months your partner may still be sorting out how he/she feels. After a year or two, though, it should be pretty clear if this is what you both want or not.It all comes down to openness and honesty, and communicating well. Choose a quiet time that you both feel comfortable and able to talk for a while. Be a good listener.

Making Her Like Me
A lot of people ask, "How do I make her (or him) like me?" The answer is, you can´t. You can never make someone else like you, and really, if someone is only with you because they´re forced to, that´s not a relationship that will last. If someone's tricked into being with you, they'll bolt as soon as they can, and you'll be left alone. It's not worth it.If someone *wants* to be with you, it´s because you´re fun to be with. People like to be happy, to have fun, to feel good about themselves. Find out what your loved one enjoys, and learn more about it. Offer to do the things he or she likes doing. Go to a movie. Go walking on the beach. Listen to music.You´ll find that if you have fun together, and your time together is always enjoyable, that the rest will happen naturally.

Talking Together = They Like You
People do NOT talk with people they hate. They don't usually talk with people that they care nothing about! So the only option left is that if you talk to this person, and they talk back to you, that they like you, at least a little! If your question is if they like you ENOUGH, that is quite different. It is up to you to keep working on the connection, to slide them along that scale of like, to get closer to them. Talking is one sure way to get them liking you more and more!

The only way to know for sure is to ask!
Don't just blurt out the question, though. Flirt with them and no one else for a while. (Not just a few hours, a few days or even weeks.) This will make them think that you're interested in them. Once you feel comfortable, go somewhere quiet with them, and talk how you are feeling about them. Be open minded, and don't put your whole self worth into what they say. It may feel awkward around them for a bit if they don't feel the same way, but just act like nothing ever happened. They will probably do the same.

Watch for Signs of Boredom
If someone likes you, they will enjoy being with you. So if the person you're with shows signs of being bored, that's a warning sign. Be sure you don't confuse sleepiness with boredom! Lots of people get too little sleep and end up sleepy when they're in public. Maybe make a joke about the person being sleepy, and see how they respond, if they start having their attention drift.

Why is she interested?
Some of you nice guys out there may be wondering "Why is she interested?". For the most part this applies to the guys out there who are really good listeners but not so good in the relationship/romance department. If she talks to you mostly about her problems—relationship issues, congrats you are actually just a friend she just hasn’t realized it. Yes there could something more. One test would be to hang out and not talk about yourself or your past; but keep her entertained. This will test her to see if she is curious about you.

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