Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Story idea - The Christmas Chaperone

If you listen to people’s hurts, you get their attention.

Inaction can be as morally wrong as doing evil.

Only one thing will heal a broken heart. What is it?

Happiness depends upon circumstances. Contentment depends upon . . . what?
Happiness is a feeling, but joy is an attitude.

Secrets better left buried may be blurted out in moments of intimacy.

It takes a major catastrophe to bring about a drastic character personality change, not just a stop-feeling-sorry-for-yourself speech.

Given the Western macho aura, the more difficult, the more love is hindered, the more grand the love is!

Talk doesn’t . . . cook rice. (What else doesn’t talk do?)
. . . clean house . . . do the laundry . . . fix supper

powerful emotions, emotionally moved

a strong emotional impact

struggled with feelings

manufactured feelings

At Christmastime, we generate feelings we feel ought to be there
Create a feeling

Powerful and pleasant memories

Barn (stable) smells of leather of saddles and buggies, manure and hay, the sound of animals (horses snorting, hooves pawing, striking wooden planks or straw-covered hard packed dirt)
Having to be born in a stable demonstrated poverty and humiliation. It is absurd and nonsense for God to be born in a stable. Disgraced, lying helpless in a feeding trough.
He came from heaven and gave up glory.
Examine in minute detail: the rough and binding swaddling clothes (binding strips holding baby’s arms and legs straight so they cannot move)
Sight dim, low visibility, dark with only a lantern for light
No fireplace or place to get warm except from the heat of the animals’ bodies
Look a little closer
Linger a moment
Stop to picture the scenes: the sights, the sounds, the smells
Outside, people milled everywhere, people long gone returned to their hometown for the census. Shouts of recognition and friendship. Slaps on the back.
Imagine the dark night sky, bright with thousands of stars and the shepherds in the field suddenly and miraculously lit up with the presence of angels, hundreds or thousands of otherworldly beings, praising God.
Now, a fresh start with a new wife and child, Joseph thought. I cannot give Him earthly treasures of gold and silver or a life in the lap of luxury, but I can provide for Him and meet His needs, protect Him, and keep Him safe, and profess my love for Him. My new son.

I have discovered that many religious arguments are caused by a difference in the definition of “church” words – words or phrases, like a slang all their own, used in religious rhetoric. Once even simple, common terms are defined and the definition is mutually agreed upon, differences of opinion often disappear.

If we could only turn back the hands of time . . .

The dichotomy that is December: death and life, rich and poor, the haves and the have-nots, crowded streets and lonely nights, enjoyment and exhaustion, generosity and greediness, being built up only to be let down.

I am not in need of a man to save me. I am strong and I am beautiful from the inside out.

I give you this day. What do you want to do?

More than just a coincidence

He winked at me!

Western man and woman passionately court as their older and romantically cynical friends chaperone. A Christmas miracle of love occurs involving all four.
The world is cynical.

Actions are louder than words.

A key requirement for obedience is trust.
Rebellion comes from a lack of faith – in God, government or one’s spouse.

When you don’t know what to do, do nothing. Even doing nothing is doing something.

Men are expected to figure out life on their own.

Prayer is a priceless point of contact with God.

A man is reluctant to ask for the support he wants and needs.

What do you suppose Jesus would want for His birthday?

A whirlwind of hurry
Singing carolers
Church bells chiming
A flurry of snow
Cinnamon smells
A miraculous birth
Jingling sleigh bells
Lavishly bestow presents

The threat of a scandalous relationship

Everyone needs a miracle
God put a miracle inside every one of us.

A most marvelous gift
The pulsing beat of a human heart

Hopeless is helpless

A precocious six year old

If you can’t alter your circumstances, then control your reaction.

Friendly beasts (born on Christmas – once a year you can talk to the animals)

No sorrow is so great that God’s healing light cannot penetrate even the darkest places of the human heart.

Happy holiday memories? Hah!

Have you ever felt that no matter how hard you try, it is never enough?

Tongue tied

Bitterness had made her hard
Intimacy issues

A polished appearance can hide a tarnished self-image.

“I am tired of being held captive to a thousand ‘what-if’s’.”

You must choose to forgive.

Honest, humility, grace, submission, obedience.

A rejected lover is confused, overwhelmed and fearful to ever reach out again.

Church is full of hypocrites . . . boring . . . greedy.

Your attitude makes all the difference in your life. A positive outlook can revolutionize your ability to overcome and grow from common challenges such as discouragement, change, problems, fear and failures.

What you believe about yourself today can determine who you become tomorrow.

We crave community and meaning in our lives.

Everybody’s normal until you get to know them.

True enduring love must be cultivated with care.

Why is love so often unattainable?

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