Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Characterization Study

Characterization Study


Defining the Basics

What is the character's name?
Is the character male or female?

How old is the character?
When is the character's birthday?
What is the character's height?
What is the character's weight?
What is the character's hair color?
What is the character's eye color?
What is the character's racial orientation?
What is the character's religion?

Defining the Physical

Does the character have any disabilities?
What is the character's physical build?
How is the character's posture?

Is the character graceful or awkward?
Is the character comfortable with his/her body?
Is the character attractive? Does he/she think so?
Does the character have an accurate physical self-image?
Is there any part of the character's physicality that he/she is ashamed of?
Is there any part of the character's physicality that they are proud of and perhaps flaunt?

Defining the Past

Where was the character born?
Are his or her parents still alive?
How old were the parents when the character was born?
Was the character adopted?
Are there any brothers or sisters?
What is the birth order of the children?
Did the character have his/her own room while growing up?

Where was the character raised?
Did the family have a habit of relocating?
Was the character close to his/her mother when growing up? How about the father?

How close is the character to his/her mother now? Father?
Did the character suffer abuse (physical, emotional, sexual) at the hands of either parent?
Did the character suffer abuse from any of the siblings or other family members?
Are the parents still married? Was this their first marriage?
Were there any deaths in the family while the character was growing up? Any significant illnesses or accidents?
What illnesses did the character have as a child?
How religious were the parents in the upbringing?
What was the role of religion in the character's life?
What hobbies did the character have when he/she was growing up?
What was the family's financial situation when the character was growing up? How did he/she feel about it?

Defining the Present

Does the character live in the city or in the country? Where exactly?
In what environment does the character live (a house, an apartment, a military base)?

Does the character live alone? If not, with whom does he/she live?
Is the character married? (see RELATIONSHIPS WORKPLATE)
Does the character have any children? (Sexes and ages.)

Defining Education

How far did the character go in school? Did he/she go to college?
How was the character's scholastic performance?
Did they like school?
What were their favorite subjects? Least favorite?
What, if any, extracurricular activities did they engage in?
Was the character involved in athletics?
Were they popular in high school? College?
Did the character have any learning difficulties (attention deficit, conduct problems, etc.)?

Did the character have any problems with teachers or authority?

Defining Work

What was the character's first job?
At what age did the character start working?
What is the character's present job?
Does the character's occupation satisfy him/her?
Describe the character's financial situation.
Did the character choose this occupation, or was it thrust upon him/her?
Does the character do his/her job well?
Does he/she work extra hours?
Does any other part of the character's life (the home life) suffer due to devotion to the job?
Is there a possibility of advancement in the character's career?
Are the demands of the character's job intellectual?
Do they take their work home with them?

Defining Health

Does the character smoke?
Does the character exercise? How often and what kind?
What is the family history with regard to illness?
Is the character afraid of illness and disease?
Does the character take precautions against any diseases?
Does the character suffer from any allergies?
What are the characters eating habits?
Does the character have any eating disorders?
Does the character have a problem maintaining his or her weight?

Is the character on any medications? If so, what kind and for what ailment?
Does the character have any problems sleeping?
Does the character drink alcohol?

Does the character have a problem with alcohol? (see DRUGS & ALCOHOL
Does the character take any illegal drugs? (see DRUGS & ALCOHOL)

Defining Speech

Does the character have a speech impediment?
What is the character's native language?
What was his/her parents' native language?
Does the character speak with an accent?
Is the character articulate?
Does the character use slang?
Is the character's speech excessively formal?

Does the character think before speaking?
Does the character speak inappropriately, either using swear words or endearments?

Is the character loud? Is he/she soft-spoken?
Does the character listen well?
Does the character monopolize the conversation?
Does the character have a sense of humor??
Does the character ever have a joke at someone else's expense?
Is the character's humor always appropriate?
Is the character sarcastic? Silly? Playful?

Defining Cognition

Can the character keep a train of thought, or is he/she easily distracted?
Is the character's IQ high? Or low?
Does the character display a logical progression of thought?
Is the character stymied by any religious restrictions?
Is the character prone to daydreaming?
Does the character tend to think in concrete terms or in abstract?
Is the character prone to fanciful thought or language?

Defining the Personality Type

What personality type does the character most represent?
Narcissistic · Borderline · Histrionic · Antisocial · Schizoid · Masochistic · Obsessive/Compulsive · Paranoid ·

Other Mental Disorder
What aspects of that specific personality type does the character seem to adhere to?
How might have the characters childhood contributed to his specific personality type?
What personality types might have the character's parents been?
What type of relationships is the character attracted to?

Defining Behavior

Is the character more outgoing or reflective?
Does the character accept responsibilities readily, or does he/she avoid them?
Is the character harshly self-judgmental?
Is the character uncritical of his/her own behavior?
How would you rate the character's impulse control?
Does the character tend to be superficial?
Is the character decisive? Does he/she weigh and consider all options before acting?
Is the character honest?
Does the character trust others? Do others trust him/her?
Does the character find starting a conversation easy?
Who does the character find easiest to converse with? Who is the hardest?

Defining a Sense of Identity

Does the character possess the ability to distinguish between what is internal? And what is external or is there a pattern of delusional behavior?
Does the character expressing their fantasy life in a realistic fashion?
Does the character defend against their sexual or aggressive desires?
Is the character driven by impulses to the point where there is danger to self or others?
Can the character posses the ability for judgment and adequately anticipate the consequences of their actions?
Does the character see problems as having an internal origin or are all difficulties externalized and blamed on others?
Is the character utilizing such defense mechanisms as repression, projection, or denial?
Does the character espouse realistic ideals or is the character driven by unreachable fantastic goals?

Defining A Sense of Self

Is the character in possession of a durable sense of self? Or is it prone to fragmentation in response to the smallest slight from a friend or family member?
Does the character need to be in the spotlight? Do they need to continually receive affirming responses from others?
Does the character possess the ability to create long term relationships?
Is the character capable of a stabile lifestyle?
Is the character conscious of different social boundaries? Body boundaries?
Is the character capable of industry and enthusiasm? Or is the character subject to feelings of inferiority and inadequacy?
Has the character found "meaning" in their life and are they able to express this sense of meaning in their relationships or vocation?
Is there a defensive manner in the possibility of being observed and judged? Or is the character open to criticism?
How aware is the character of his/herself?
Does the character continually seek the approval of others?
Does the character seek stability in his/her life? Does he/she avoid it?
Does the character ever experience a separation of mind and body?
Does the character ever feel inadequate? When?
Defining Hope and Dreams

What is the worst thing that ever happened to the character?
What is the best thing that ever happened to the character?
What does the character do to relax?
What does the character do for a good time?
What are the character's life goals?
Does the character ever take risks? Does he/she ever take dangerous risks?
How realistic or achievable are the character's goals?
Who is the character's hero? Why?
Does the character ever wish he/she were someone else? Who?
What superstitions does the character have?
Does the character believe in destiny?
How would the character imagine a perfect life?
Is the character's life, as he/she would've imagined?
Does the character think that he/she has lived up to his/her parents' expectations?
Does the character remember his/her dreams?
Is your character an optimist or a pessimist?
Is the character confidant or shy?
If the character had three wishes, what would they be?
Have the character describe himself.

Defining Emotions

How aware is the character of his/her feelings?
How aware is the character to the feelings of others?
How comfortable is the character in expressing his/her feelings?
How does the character express his/her feelings?
What particular emotions is the character most comfortable with?
What particular emotions make the character uncomfortable?
What makes the character depressed? How often is he/she depressed?
What makes the character anxious?
Does the character cry easily? What would make the character cry?
What is the character afraid of? Is this a valid fear, or is it a phobia?
Is the character conceited or vain?
Is the character openly affectionate?
Do people tend to believe the character, or is he/she seen as a phony?
Is the character kindly?
Does the character have an emotional support system? If so, who?
How does the character take care of their emotional needs?
Is the character self-indulgent?
Is the character impulsive?

Defining Social Skills

Are the anti social aspects of the character realized?
Is the character capable of starting a conversation?
Is the character capable of completing a conversation?
Does the character choose the appropriate time and place when engaging in conversation?
Does the character pay attention when someone else is talking?
Does the character pay attention to instructions and carry them out appropriately?
Does the character appreciate things that others have done for them?
Does the character tell others that they are sorry after doing things that are wrong?
How does the character dress?
Which of the character's attributes does he/she accentuate? Which does he/she hide?
Is the character sloppy or neat?
Does the character dress appropriately for his/her age? For the situation?
Describe the character's personal style.

Defining Expression of Feelings

Is the character aware of their feelings?
Does the character appreciate the feelings of others?
Is the character capable of expressing feelings in a socially acceptable manner?
Does the character figure out the reasons for failing in particular situations?
What defenses does the character rely upon to hide their feelings?
Is the character critical of others?
How does the character respond to criticism?
Does the character tend to seek approval?
What does the character refuse to think about?
Who does the character hate and why?
What does the character do in uncomfortable situations?
Does the character have any habits?
Does the character engage in any repetitive behavior?
Does the character tend to avoid eye contact?

Defining Assertiveness

Does the character assert their rights by letting others know where they stand?
Does the character offer help to others who may need or want it?
Does the character tell others when they are responsible for creating a particular problem?
Does the character work towards a fair solution to someone else's complaint?
Is the character capable of controlling his or her temper?
Does the character carefully consider another person's position?
Does the character decide on their own what to do when others pressure him or her to do something?
Can the character communicate feelings and ideas assertively rather than aggressively?
Does the character effectively communicate where he/she stands on an issue?
Is the character fair when it comes to handling a dispute?
How persuasive is the character? What does he/she do to persuade others to come around to his/her way of thinking?
Is the character rash in making decisions?
Is the character realistic in judging his/her own abilities?
How much does the character think ahead and plan?
How much does the character act spontaneously?

Defining How a Character Problem Solves

Is the character capable of deciding which of the number of problems is most important and should be dealt
with first?
Does the character consider alternatives and make decisions in his or her best interest?
Does the character realistically decide what he or she can accomplish before beginning a task?
Does the character make those preparations, which will help get the job done?
Defining a Character's Anger

Can the character include anger as part of their personality and allow anger to be expressed naturally?
Is the character able to express anger in a direct fashion?
Are the characters feelings of anger exaggerated or unreasonable?
Can the character appropriately communicate anger to others?
Can the character communicate feelings assertively rather than aggressively?
Can the character regulate their feelings of anger?
When does the character get angry?
Is the character's anger always reasonable? When isn't it?
Does the character have a problem showing anger?
How does the character release his/her aggression?
How does the character show his anger indirectly?
Has the character ever solved a problem through violence?

Defining Mental Health

Is the character able to manage their anxiety? If unmanageable, is it expressed in a hysterical manner or a fixated phobic reaction-like agoraphobia?
Is the character living their life? Or are they in a depressed state of mind?
Does the character suffer from delusions, hallucinations, paranoia, or catatonia?
Is the character an alcoholic or substance abuser? If so, is their abuse impacting their lives? (see DRUG & ALCOHOL)
Does the character suffer from any sleep problems that are impacting their lives?
Are there any medical problems that are affecting the character's mental health behavior-such as Dementia, Cancer, and AIDS?
Has culture, social economic status, gender, sexual orientation, or genetics had a major impact on the character's development?
Has the character been a victim of child abuse, elder abuse, domestic violence, or self-abuse-including suicide attempts?
Is there any major life factors (such as divorce, marriage, death, or job displacement) that have had a role in determining the character's well being?

Defining Drugs and Alcohol

What drugs does the character take? How often?
Has the character ever been in an alcohol or drug treatment program? Should they be?
When does the character use drugs or drink?
What prompts that indulgence?
Does the characters friends and family use drugs or drink too much?
Does the character ever lie about how often they use drugs or alcohol?
Does the character ever use drugs or alcohol to overcome shyness or gain confidence?
Does the character feel he/she should quit using drugs or alcohol, or at least cut down on the frequency or doing so?
Does the character drink too much at the wrong time?
Did the character ever drink or do drugs in the morning?
Are drugs or is drinking causing the character to have problems with his/her family?
Are drugs or is drinking causing the character to have problems at work or in school?
Does the character ever drink or do drugs to escape his/her problems?
Has the character ever been told that he/she drinks too much or has a problem with drugs?
Does the character hide their drinking or drug-taking from family and friends?
Has the character ever been in trouble with the police because or alcohol or drugs?
Has the character ever required medical attention because of drinking or drug taking?
Does the character have to keep using or drinking once they start?
Does the character ever have a blackout?
Does the character drink or do drugs at a particular time every day?
Do either of the character's parents have a problem with drugs or alcohol?
Has the character ever unsuccessfully tried to stop using drugs or alcohol?
Does the character drink or do drugs when he/she is alone?
Is the character getting a bad reputation because of drugs or alcohol?
Is the character's health suffering due to drinking or taking drugs?
Does the character ever go to work or school under the influence of alcohol or drugs?
Does the character ever feel guilty or sad because of drinking or drug taking?
Does the character have money woes because of drinking or drug taking?
Does the character have problems sleeping because of drinking or drug taking?
Does the character put him/herself in dangerous situations because of drugs or alcohol?

Defining a Character in Relationships

Has the character developed the capacity for healthy relationships?
Has the character developed the capacity for intimacy with an appropriate aged partner or is the character still
bound to satisfying parental needs?
Do the parent's marital problems play a factor in the character's personality?
Is the character always taking care of others who are less functional and more in need of care taking?
Is the character repeating an old relationship?
Is the character behaving like the person that he wished to be in his parent's eyes?
Does the character view others as being all good or all bad?
What is the character's sexual orientation?
Is the character very sexually driven?
How often does the character have sex?
Does the character find sex satisfying? Why and why not?
Does the character have any fetishes or peccadilloes?
Is the character dating anyone?
Is the character in love?
Is the character married?
Is the character's marriage reflective of his/her parents' marriage? Are the same problems repeating?
Is the character capable of sustaining long-term relationships based on commitment?
What does the character find attractive in another person?
What are the character's most attractive qualities?
Does the character have problems with intimacy?
Is the character monogamous?
Is the character jealous? Possessive?
Has the character ever abused a mate? How?
Has a mate ever abused the character? How?
Why did any previous relationships fail?
Is the character trying to be the person he/she thinks that his/her parents want them to be?
Who are the most important people in the character's life?
Does the character tend to avoid people?
Does the character hate to be alone?
Does the character have a problem with meeting people and making friends?
Is the character comfortable in social situations?
Is the character the life of the party?
Does the character have a lot of friends?
Who are the character's friends?
Who is the character's best friend?
Who is the character's hero? Why?
Does the character tend to enter into relationships where he/she must take care of the other person?
Does the character choose partners and friends who are harmful or manipulative?
Does the character ever display masochistic tendencies in relationships?
Is the character usually a victim?
Does the character tend to be self-destructive?

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