Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Defining Moments

Defining Moments.......... by Brittany (Miller?)
The most amazing thing happened while I was at work on Saturday. It's completely conversation worthy and has the potential to inspire. An old couple, probably in their 80's, came into the salon and the husband wanted his wife's hair to be "done". The wife needed to be aided in walking. I had the pleasure of being this dear woman's stylist. Her name, Ms. Audrey. The husband said she needed help walking because she has a bad liver, but it was ok cause she was getting a new one next week. I commented how wonderful that was. He walked her all the way back to the shampoo bowls and he lingered for a few moments ensuring that she'd be taken care of. He left and came back while I was shampooing her and told him, jokingly, I wasn't done yet that we were trying to get beautiful. He said there was nothing I could do to make Ms. Audrey more beautiful because she was beautiful enough already. Smiling of course. He told me to take care of her and had a look in his eyes unlike I've ever seen before. I got her to my chair and began to "do my thang". He came back there once while I was still curling her hair and he commented that he thought her hair was going to be so pretty. He left and waited in the lobby. I got finished with her and she was beautiful! I walked her, arm around her waist and other hand in mine, into the lobby. It was almost as if I were presenting her. We came in there and he stood up with tear filled eyes and took her in his arms. By this time he was sobbing. He handed me a wad of cash and said "that should take care of it". He didn't say anything else to me nor I to him. But I watched in awe. As they were walking out the door he turned to her and said, "you're so beautiful and I love you "! My heart leapt! I had to go collect myself before I could do my last client. I went to Robyn and said, "he cried when I took her out there" And I was crying! It was amazing. Breathtaking. A defining moment. A moment where I'll never forget what I was wearing, thinking, feeling, the day, the conversation. Every detail. Ok, now breathe. Here it is. When was the last time you had a defining moment. A moment that changed you. I looked in the eyes of this old man, and even though his wife was kind of oblivious to what was going on, he wasn't. I have never experienced a love like that. I believe when he looked at her, his heart leapt. I can't stop smiling! Do you think that when this couple started their day they had the intentions of making an impact on some hairstylist's life? Probably not. The emotion and love that I felt rushed over me like a waterfall. I was washed away by the flood of feelings that I was experiencing. I was so moved that I couldn't speak. My eyes beheld a moment. A moment where I felt so small and insignificant compared to what was being shared between an old man and his feeble wife. This was this man's bride and she was still just as beautiful as the day he married her. This is the fairytale. This is what girls dream of, what I dream of. This is the moment that hope in undiscovered love is restored. This is the moment when you realize that the fairytale isn't a fairytale after all. This is something that really does exist, even without the glass slipper. It was proven that you can be the princess in the fairytale even though you may have a bad liver and wearing a pair of slip on bedroom shoes. I've only seen this kind of love in two couples... I see it in the eyes of my mom and step dad and I see it in the eyes of my friend Robyn when she talks about her husband Billy. I knew in this defining moment that I wanted this fairytale also. I know this can happen because it has, but I'm actually dumb enough to believe it could happen to me.

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