Saturday, December 29, 2007

Six different styles of "lovers"

Although these descriptions are to attempt to sell you (or tempt you to buy, whichever phrase you prefer) a cd on how to attract women, they could be useful for character generation. -- A.D.

1. Overcome Your Hesitation and Fear Around Women - Become the "Natural"
The problem is, we don’t have the right people to model and copy – guys who are just naturals with women.
We’ve all known that guy from school or work who just seemed to attract women effortlessly, without lines or routines or seduction formulas. This guy was just, well, a Natural with women and we envied his seemingly magic talent
I have good news for you- becoming a true Natural (and not just pretending to be one) is not a secret magical talent at all.
Being a true Natural with women is all about letting go and letting loose. Whereas most guys have had their fresh, carefree, childlike spirit beaten out of them, the Natural is, above all else, playful, with a smile on his face and a glint in his eye.
Whereas most guys have learned through school and work to act carefully and deliberately, trying to always please, thinking of how they look in other’s eyes, Naturals are blissfully uncaring, lighthearted, and don’t take anything too seriously.
In this way, Naturals are like children, infecting everyone around them with their youthful impulsiveness and spontaneity. Their playfulness translates into a fearlessness and brazenness with women that most other men have lost. And this relaxed playfulness has an intoxicating effect on women, promising them the chance to come out of their own shells of boring conformity.
This revolutionary trance CD, The Natural, the brainchild of Derek Vitalio and spoken by renowned hypnotist Damian Transari, places you into the mental state and attitude of the true Natural inside of you.
We grow rigid and serious because we don’t have the right people to model. True naturals with women are far and few between and hard to come by. This CD however will allow you to deep trance identify with the archetype of the natural seducer.
The Natural will bring out the natural seducer in you, making you playful and uninhibited and effortless, throwing off the heavy chains of seriousness, snapping apart the bonds of social pressure holding you back.

2. The Rake– Sexually Dangerous, Thrilling, a Devilish Talker, Passionate, Adventurous, Devoted to Pleasure, and a Heartbreaker – The Bad Boy that Mothers Want Their Daughters to Avoid at All Costs… But That Only Adds to His Appeal.
Women are deeply oppressed by the role they are expected to play. Women are supposed to be the moralizers of society and expected to suppress their natural sexual urges and fantasies.
What the Rake offers is what society does not allow to women- an affair of pure pleasure, an exciting brush with danger. The Rake offers to touch and draw out that repressed sexual desire within women that cries out for liberation. The Rake knows that the forbidden and taboo are highly attractive to women.
The Rake, in his pursuit of pleasure, has the ability to let himself go, to abandon himself to the moment, to draw a woman into the kind of purely sensual moment in which past and future lose meaning.
The Rake is delightfully unrestrained, incredibly bold in the face of his own fears, and women admire him for his audacity (forgiving him for the fact that he is always on the prowl for the next woman). The Rake shows no hesitation in his actions by abandoning all restraint, by letting himself go.
And the Rake lives for challenges. Whereas most men give up on the first sign of resistance, the Rake never worries about a woman’s resistance to him. The Rake knows that more “prudish” the woman, the more she will be tempted by a man with a dangerous or naughty side.
After all, it is often the most “virtuous” of women who fall mostly deeply head over heels for the Rake. So resistance only further fans the fire of his determination.
The Rake shows this level of extraordinary confidence because he is at heart a rebel. The Rake casts off convention for sexual adventure and cares little for what society thinks.
In fact, the Rake’s greatest asset is his reputation as an incorrigible and notorious lover of all women. The Rake never apologizes for his love-her-and-leave-her ways, but instead he embraces it. He may be disloyal, dishonest, and sexually “amoral”, but that only adds to his appeal with the ladies. Paradoxically, it his very reputation that makes women compete for his attention.
The Rake too is a master of seductive language, stirring a woman’s repressed longings and need for adventure with sexual suggestion. The Rake chooses his words not to convey information, but to suggest, hypnotize, and infect the woman with emotional turmoil, and lead her into the ultimate temptation.
The Rake too promises passion in the bedroom. When he pursues a woman, he literally glows with desire, burns with passion, is unable to control himself, and makes women feel that he exists for them alone.
Now, you cannot become the bad boy Rake by being fearful and careful and following convention. You cannot become the Rake by being sexually timid or flinching at a woman’s resistance. The bad boy is the man who breaks women out of their passivity and routines and into a world of adventure and fantasy.
After all, women deep down want to rebel, to have a chance to become sexually irrational and uncivilized, to have a chance to explore dangerous sexual pleasures and the taboo.
The Rake CD bypasses the normal learning process of becoming the bad boy. The Rake CD installs the habits and traits of the Rake directly into your subconscious mind so that there’s no studying and no memorizing- just pure absorption and learning.

3. The Star – Dressed, Stylish, Center of Attention, Dreamlike, Coolly Detached From the Outcome – The Man Whom Everyone Wants to Bathe in His Presence
Most women constantly seek to escape from their boring lives into fantasy, adventure, and dreams. Stars feed on this need, standing out from other men through a distinctive, appealing, attention getting style, ranging from his clothes, voice, and gestures.
The Star has a style that makes him stand out from everyone else. He is a master of peacocking himself and he has a way of commanding attention. At a party, all eyes turn toward him when he enters a room. Women wonder what's going on beneath the surface of his eyes, his face. Vague in nature, his words, his actions, his very presence evokes interpretation and keeps women constantly intrigued.
The Star’s power comes from the social proof he wields and he is often accompanied by an entourage. His power comes from others seeing him as a kind of object of power, one that can open doors to a variety of fantasies and adventure. People don't even realize how much they try to imitate them.
The Star too is somewhat mysterious. Stars have qualities such as playfulness and intense sexuality, but at the same time they can seem aloof, vague, and dreamlike (not to be confused with distance or coldness). They have a cool detachment from achieving an outcome and a cool detachment from themselves and they have no qualms about changing their identity or their image to suit the moment.
The attraction of the Star is nonverbal, conveyed not in his words, but rather in his social proof, his body language, his style, and his attitude. Rather than logical expressions, the feelings evoked by his words touches a woman not on a logical, but on an emotional level.
Now you can install the traits and qualities of the Star archetype into your own life to accelerate your game and break through the barriers with beautiful women. The Star will bring out the celebrity in you, the one that has always been there but just needs the encouragement to come out, show up, and stand in the limelight.

4. A Few Men Have an Uncanny Success with Women, and One Type is The Charismatic.
The Charismatic man is particularly successful in groups of people. It’s his smoothness with language that makes him stand out - when he speaks, he uses storytelling, vivid imagery, and delightful spontaneity to move the group to laughter, excitement, and mass euphoria.
The Charismatic knows how to use his body language to command attention, using sweeping physical gestures, animated expressions, and piercing eye contact.
When he speaks, he puts his audience into a sort of hypnotic trance, and no one can take their eyes off of him.
As a result, people feel alive and energized around him, like a kind of electric current passes between him and the group, feeding off one another. Men want to follow him and women want a chance to be with him.
The Charismatic is no entertaining clown however. He makes girls compete and work for his reward and approval, and does not reveal all of himself at once.
And whereas most men hesitate before taking bold action, The Charismatic acts with single-minded self-assurance. He expresses what others are afraid to express. He says what others want to say, but don’t. He does not apologize for who he is or go halfway- and he is never afraid of going too far. It’s this unbridled openness that’s part of his magnetic attraction to women.
You see, most girls are in fact, incredibly bored with their lives. They attempt to suppress their inward sexuality and inner feelings because it is socially unacceptable. Yet women crave openness, adventure, and wild passion.
It’s the Charismatic’s unshakable confidence, sense of adventure, and open acts of social risk that hits women like a thunderclap. He delivers the intense, emotional fix and escape from reality that they’re looking for.
We too can build the archetypal behaviors and mindset of the Charismatic into our own selves by ridding the self-consciousness and discomfort most of us feel in groups. We too can build the skills of commanding body language, spontaneous fun, and group tactics for ourselves.
Think about how important social group skills are- after all, truly beautiful women, particularly in parties, bars, clubs, weddings, and other social events, are rarely found all by themselves. Truly beautiful women are found in groups, accompanied by a network of friends and wannabe suitors.
The Charismatic CD is specifically designed to put your mind into the state of the charismatic archetype and directly install new thoughts and patterns of behavior into you mind while you’re in an altered state of suggestible trance.

5. To Charm Means to Cast a Magical Spell. The Charmer Disarms Women by Understanding Their Inner Spirit, Feels Their Pain, and Adapts Himself to Their Needs and Desires.
The Charmer listens and observes, letting the woman talk, mirroring her until she feels comfortable. His interest is so focused that women relax and open up to him.
The Charmer casts his spell by aiming at her vanity, her ego. Women are in love with and hypnotized by their own image. After all, a woman’s favorite subject is herself. So the Charmer shares her values and tastes and adapts to her every mood, indulging in her vanity and giving her only what she wants to see about herself.
But lurking beneath the surface of any attempt to charm must be sexual tension. The Charmer does NOT give off those nice guy “friend” vibes. No, the Charmer is sexually flirtatious, teasing women with push pull innuendoes and suggestions that are both exciting and addictive.
The Charmer too is always a source of pleasure. Underneath, the Charmer may be clever and calculating, but on the surface he is all fantasy and pleasure. He distracts women from their problems by giving them good feelings. For once a woman feels pleasure it is far easier to bend her to one's will. And it is by making women dependent on him for their pleasure and good feelings that the Charmer reaps his power.
Even when a woman senses the Charmer’s cleverness, she is not immune to his spell. The emotions he provides are so powerful that even if she senses the affair cannot last, she loses all power to resist.
Part of the Charmer’s formula is to never whine nor complain. They are always lighthearted and fun rather than serious or critical. The Charmer never criticizes, begs, or cajoles but rather covertly plants ideas and insinuates suggestions. He never shows anger or impatience, emotions that make women defensive and break the fantasy.
Even in the face of a challenge or a setback, the Charmer keeps his cool to keep women relaxed and at ease. Yes, at all times Charmers are pleasant to be around.
And he doesn’t just limit himself to beautiful women; he befriends and charms as many people as possible. He uses his social skills to create new friends and a wide network of people to work within existing social groups. His objective is to make other people feel powerful and respected, to feel like a star themselves. No one feels ignored by the Charmer and he makes even the least important people feel like kings.
This revolutionary trance CD, The Charmer, brings out the true Charmer of women inside of you. The Charmer will bring out the sexually flirtatious, pleasurable guy who can cast an intoxicating spell on women.

6. The Lover is Like a Portrait Painter. Under His Spell, All of The Woman’s Physical Imperfections Disappear. He Brings Out the Noble Qualities in Women, Frames Them in Myth, and Immortalizes Them.
Who says that Chivalry is dead? The Lover is the man who opens doors for women, puts his shirt down in the mud for her to cross, and takes her hand to cross the street.
The Lover shows absolute devotion to women and puts their interests before his own. He pays scrupulous attention to details to make the fantasy and sex seem lofty and poetic.
The Lover is no pushover though- he should not be confused with the “nice guy”. The Lover adores women, he loves everything about them, but he knows when to walk away from a woman rather than reward her for bad behavior.
Think of the Lover as a knight of adventure and romance, returning women to their dreams and fantasies that have been shattered and broken with age. The Lover thrives on women’s broken hearts, touching her deepest desires and yearnings, and leading her to believe in an ideal love again.
The Lover suggests something more for women to aspire to, gives them a new image to live up to, a new faith in their untapped potential, an idealization of their character. It’s his ability to bring out a starry-eyed vision of noble love that makes women fall in love.
In a world full of surface and loose connections, but lacking in deeper intimacy, Lovers thrive because they seem genuine, open, making a “magical connection” with women that seems to only happen in storybooks and fairytales.
Yet, the Lover strategically flips between the spiritual and poetic and the ravishing and carnal pleasures. It’s the mix of heaven and the hints of forbidden pleasure that make women swoon to his arms. And though the Lover makes sex seem noble and intimacy spiritual, he is playing with power, and merely disguises his strategy behind the image of an idyllic sex.

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